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Entries on-line

Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

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To all 2008 Speed Series Competitors

Quite a few of the clubs are starting to put entry forms on line for the Speed Series Events we are going to this year. I am aware of the following, but if you know any more then post them and I will get a link on the Speed Series page.

Croft Sprint

Harewood Hillclimb

Gurston Down Not online yet, but keep checking

Speaking to some of the club organisers, they are even going to get on-line registration going :D:D

I have now sent e-mail confirmation of entry to all drivers whose form I have received. So if you haven't got it then either the post is slow or I have the wrong e-mail for you.

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Regulations for Thoresby Hall organised by Notts SCC will also be available on-line later in the year  ;)

Notts SCC

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Shelsey and MIRA here
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Longton and Dist MC regs and events here


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I cant see any class structure for WSCC May event?

It looks like B, C or D dependant on cc Terry, but I will check with them as it's unusual to be added in with Mod Prod Cars. Normally there is a seperate Mod Prod Kit class.

Have been in touch with Harewwod and yes, Mod Prod cars, which include E & F to enter classes A, B, C or D as appropriate.

This is our first year with BARC Harewood, but we are likely to stay with them as TrackRod cancelled this years event and may not run in the future.

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Shelsey and MIRA here

Am I right when I say there is an entry form for MIRA but you have to request the one for Shelsley??

Shelsley use coloured forms for the different events, so like to send them out.

BUT, I am putting labels in the post tomorrow for them and this will have all currently registered drivers on, so you should get through the post. There is not such a rush with Shelsley as they make a choice as to who to let in after the closing date.

I will also be posting labels to other event orgainsers who don't have on-line forms. Drivers without e-mails, have details or labels sent to every organiser.

And who was it said this was an easy job  :0  :0

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Gurston on-line entry now open here

You will receive an aknowledgement but not acceptance as it looks like they have a selection process :(    Classes are a bit confusing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regs for Llys Y Fran to be posted Swansea MC very very soon  :D

and in 2008 there won't be any charges made for camping for drivers  :mad:  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D

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I have pruned this topic back to relevant replies, please try and keep on topic.

Also check the Speed Series page for website details here

Speed Series regs page

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With Ty Croes regs due out this weekend

Please note if any 2008 registered speed Series Driver wishes to enter the trackday on friday 29 August please do not enter directly via Bookatrack

The WSCC have negotiated a discount for 2008 registered SS drivers cost is £130 per driver instead of £145 - but you will need to enter using the WSCC SS entry form to be distributed  with the regs  ;)  ;)

We currently have 20 spaces reserved for WSCC SS 2008 drivers  ;)  ;)  :D

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entry completed looking foward to it

well swiss i hope your going to be quicker on the track me and rushpuff's entry's on sarah's door matt  :p  :t-up:  :t-up:

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