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Terry Everall

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Just a thought about all this norf/sarf b***hin, why not consider for the future(obviously not next year or even 2009 but) area championships and the the top10 from each area culminate in a grand final at a circuit that has not been in the area meets ie donnington/Mallory etc to include race/sprint over a weekend, points accumilated over the area meetings carried to the finals with worst result dropped or something similar. Also you could have top region championship then we up north could show those lot darn sarf who the real drivers are (ooooh that will get it going) The regional cup is already won.!!!! as I said just a thought  maybe not a working plan but maybe something of this ilk. One last thing ,as I have never taken part in any WSCC speed  series events I will probably told I,am talking a load of ****but having competed in saloons and modsports (you older guys will know what modsports was) many years ago I do know that you cant please everyone but if you have regional events it cuts down on the expense of travelling and also a creates a north/south/ east/west/midlands competition. I,ll probably get rebuffed for my thoughts but everybody has idea,s however daft and you neverknow even a part of it might work
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That's a really good idea, only downside would be that some people like to travel and drive all the circuits so if you had "guests" then people from the south could still compete and win on the day but not count as part of the norths championship and vice versa.
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Just a thought about all this norf/sarf b***hin, why not consider for the future(obviously not next year or even 2009 but) area championships and the the top10 from each area culminate in a grand final at a circuit that has not been in the area meets ie donnington/Mallory etc to include race/sprint over a weekend, points accumilated over the area meetings carried to the finals with worst result dropped or something similar. Also you could have top region championship then we up north could show those lot darn sarf who the real drivers are (ooooh that will get it going) The regional cup is already won.!!!! as I said just a thought  maybe not a working plan but maybe something of this ilk. One last thing ,as I have never taken part in any WSCC speed  series events I will probably told I,am talking a load of ****but having competed in saloons and modsports (you older guys will know what modsports was) many years ago I do know that you cant please everyone but if you have regional events it cuts down on the expense of travelling and also a creates a north/south/ east/west/midlands competition. I,ll probably get rebuffed for my thoughts but everybody has idea,s however daft and you neverknow even a part of it might work

That's an interesting idea Mike and one that will receive consideration.

I think you might have slightly missed the point being made over  north/south thing. It's actually people wanting more events on their doorstep, so they don't have to travel so far :D:D

Coming from Newcastle, where apart from Croft every event is at least 2.5 hours away and some 8hours I have got used to having to travel. But seems a lot of people like to stay tucked up in their nice warm bed  :D  :p  :D

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Scarborough ( Ollies Mount) and Elvington would cut down on travel time ;)

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Bit of a strange organisation but cheap and local :cool:  :0
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and Terry wins the prize  

:D  :D  :xmas:

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Bit of a strange organisation but cheap and local :cool:  :0

very true terry and think off all the mods i could do to the car if i sold the motorhome :t-up:  :t-up:

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I think the club Curborough event on the 22nd June meets your requirements already and it's a day organised by the WSCC itself. You can enter this event with a Race or Speed MSA licence and you don't have to be in the Speed Series it is open to all WSCC club members.

It generally attracts most of the Speed Series drivers (certainley the biggest turn out in the year at any event) and whilst in 08 there would be no reginal heats, it would be a great grand final.

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I think the club Curborough event on the 22nd June meets your requirements already and it's a day organised by the WSCC itself. You can enter this event with a Race or Speed MSA licence and you don't have to be in the Speed Series it is open to all WSCC club members.

It generally attracts most of the Speed Series drivers (certainley the biggest turn out in the year at any event) and whilst in 08 there would be no reginal heats, it would be a great grand final.

Great Idea Nick but as a final its a bit early in the year on that date unless you are thinking of moving the date  to say, Aug bank holiday weekend which would make for a great long weekend and also would give more time to prepare cars, socialise, make friends, swop bits , mend cars etc,etc. also as I said in my original post I,m not talking next year or even 2009 (although that is possible) its just something to think about for the future

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All i said was why do we go to a nasty place like an airfield where you cant see where to go cos the cones are taller than a westi seat height when lydden is un used
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its just something to think about for the future
and there's me wondering if such an idea hadn't already been looked at many years ago  :)  ;)  ;)

At one time we had so many invites to Curborough there was even a Curborough Championship running alongside the main one  ;)  ;)  ;)  .......................... and yep it totally de-valued both  :(

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I,am sure that those interested in competing and also working to a budget will put in there 2 pennyworth and that is what everyone wants so each and everyone can have an opinion. at the end of the day we all want to compete , wether it be sprints, hillclimb or circuit, its all down to how much we can afford and we havent all got endless funds but that doesn,t stop us  wanting to do it we just want a reaseonable priced series (ie not megabucks) so we can at least show we enjoy even if we do come last! which I probably would "BUT" at least I would have enjoyed it and it would,nt have cost me x amount of pounds in travel/accomadation fees(we cant all afford motor homes) not knocking it if youve got good luck to you but the passion is the same however much dosh youve got
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