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Bargain Alert

Bob Green

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I have a pair of seats and runners that have been cluttering up the garage for years.  So now is the time to move them on to a good home.

Due to my height, I tried to remove the padding in the squab so I wasn't staring at the windscreen surround but it didn't work.

So we have one seat fully functional and the other needing a squab rebuilt.

By the way, they origonally they came out of a narrow body car.

These seats are free to anyone who wants them.


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Where abouts are you Bob?

ETA: Derbyshire, just had a look...


If you can hold onto them for a week or so until I can get to you, I'll take 'em.

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I've just been having a look, I'm currently working in Oakham, so I can probably pop over after wok one evening. Seems daft being nearly half way there and not making the best of it...
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