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What series for racing/sprinting an XI

Foolish Dave

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We're just putting our order for an XI for next year with the aim of competing in something in 09... but can we?

I can't see why we could hill climb or sprint it - after making it conform to MSA regs with safety bits etc, but what series are there to enter it into?

We'd like to do some circuit racing too, but are there any series we could enter it into?

Anybody else race their XI?

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I would imagine that there is a suitable class in the SEMSEC series run mainly at Lydden (might be too far).  You may not be running up front, but it's relatively cheap (once all the car mods are done).

It's a Westfield so why not the Westfield Speed Series?  Cheap to register, not too bad for entry fees and covers a whole raft of venues across the country.

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Someobdy else on here mentioned the WSS too - class E I think was mentioned too - For me, I don't need to be cutting through the pack to P1, just have a decent race against at least one other participant - and not have any paint swapping.

Where can I find out more about the WSS?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have a look at SR&GT Challenge. It's for real and replica sports racing and GT cars. There's a Westie XI in it. Very friendly series... you'll get help in setting up yours for racing.

Call Nigel Bolt on 01761 221526. He organising next year and looking for classy looking cars.

Their out at Mallory on the 14 Oct and the Silverstone Birkett on the 27th Oct

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  • 3 years later...

Well, after re-reading my optimistic earlier posts, the car is now on the road and had a shake down (or 10). Apart from a couple of small fixes (lke the throttle jamming open and the bonnet dzus clips popping) it is ready to start racing preperation.

We're half way through the Elan rebuild at the moment, but once that's done the XI prep can start so we can (hopefully) be ready for the 2012 season.

Thanks for all the pointers. I'll look into the SR and GT series.

One thing we're really going to need some help with is working out what regulations we need to meet and how. Does anybody here know of another XI owner that actively races and wouldn't mind being asked some questions?

Thanks all!


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BARC Open sportscars

This is the race series that the original BARC Westfeild Sportscars championship turned into. Due to lack of numbers they opened it up to all sorts of cars including the X1.

They had their first race at Silverstone last weekend. Nick Flowers in the Westfield won both so looking good for our cars in it. Here are the results:


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The Open Sportscar race at Silverstone was great fun.

We had a few tigers and mx5s out too.

Should get more popular as we go on. I had a 3rd (1st Nick, 2nd Tiger) and a 5th (spun trying to lap 2 ppl on last corner.. woops!)

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Sorry for being asleep and missing this one!

As Keith and Harry have kindly pointed out, the BARC Open Sportscars Series welcomes XIs. The Regs were written to essentially try and accomodate any Westfield or Lotus XI, providing it meets MSA Safety Standards. The next round is at Mallory next Sunday, May 1st and I'll be there to chat to anyone interested in joining in the fun.

Building the Series is not going to happen overnight but I'm pleased to say that we've got a G20 coming to join in the fun, as well as the Westies and a few MX5s. I've also had contact with a few XI owners and I do expect them to try the Series later this year.

Finally, ALL Westfields will be eligible to join the Double-Six weekend of racing that I'm putting together at Snetterton on June 4th & 5th. Double-Six is a series of 2 x 6-hour races (one each day) for teams of Great British Sportscars. I should be in a position to post specific details on this later.


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