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Zetec Conversion


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Having owned my Westfield for 1 year and I've just completed re-bodying it. I looking to do something with the engine. I'm looking for advice about converting from a xflow with twin 40's linked to a 5 speed sierra box to a zetec engine. What considerations need to be taken into consideration when fitting a zetec into a narrow bodied car and what fuel induction would be best. Oh and most importantly what sort of costs are involved. My bank account is not a bottomless pit , contrary to what my wife thinks.

Many thanks


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Hi philip

You're certainly not the first to contemplate this conversion and I doubt the last either!

Theres loads in the archives if you use the search function, but in summary you'll need ...

an engine

'possibly' a new clutch kit

If going with a 2litre you'll want a 1.8 flywheel & water pump if you can be bothered

an ecu

an inlet manifold

an exhaust manifold

engine mounts

some new water plumbing

recommend a baffled sump

I did this in a prelit which has a lower bodyline than your narrow, but i'd still recommend you keep an eye on the bodyline as its something you can quite easily forget about while all the panels are off the car ... until you come to refitting it!

I re-used the weber 40's, but they needed over 100 quids worth of changes made to them in the way of overhaul, bigger chokes, jets etc.  Throttle bodies are the other option but at more expense.

Cost is gonna vary depending on how you source the components.  You'd be lucky to get it done for a grand on the cheap ... nearer 2 if you're sourcing alot of new/blinging specialist parts.

Do try the archives though as there responses are all in there.



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while we are it... i'd guess new rad too.

looked at this as a "thought project" for my narrow too - are there any issues with getting the gearbox in the narrow body, cable clutch ok ?? need propshaft change ??.

Ought these  sort of upgrades ( Zetec/ford upgrades)  have home in FAQ, along with throttle body/EFI conversions ? - they are very interesting and often asked questions.  Waddyfink Mr  Admin type person ?

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looked at this as a "thought project" for my narrow too - are there any issues with getting the gearbox in the narrow body, cable clutch ok ?? need propshaft change ??.

There shouldnt be any issues if you have the 5 speeder already as Philip suggests, but if youve got a 4 speeder then it can be a little trickier (as i found out  :D  :bangshead: )

To replace the 4 speeder with the type 9 its well documented the gearbox mount needs to move rearwards and you're quite likely going to need to change the prop 'nose' to a 23 spline in order for it to match up with the tpe 9.  My 4 speed (type 3) had 20 splines on the prop input.

I agree about trying to get this into an FAQ - we'll just need to try and control ourselves with the definitive list tho  :D

editted to correct my horrendous typing skills!

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I would budget on at least 2k - but probably more...

Also, you may need a shorter sump, and silencer depending on what tube diameter you currently have.........the twin 40's will work fine on a standard 2ltr, if you start putting new cams in and porting, you may need to go to 45's - but as mentioned, your carbs will need re-jetting, and no doubt you will need 34mm chokes............

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Need to do some searches I guess - but.... how about, as topic titles:

how to fit a 5 speed box in a narrow.

(subtitle definative guide)

how to fit a zetec in a narrow.

(subtitle definative guide)

how to fit a Vx in a narrow.

(subtitle definative guide)

how to a bike engine in a narrow.

(subtitle definative guide)

The "narrow" bit being because I'd guess everything is easier in a Wide car (!) ?

Could be the start of a range of definative upgrade topics that don't need searches to view, there are other possibles  such a megajolt, squirt,

A comment on this from  those that look after the site please???

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Anyone can add to the FAQ. All you have to do is do the searches, collate the info, write it up, check it for accuracy and spelling mistakes (that's not how you spell definitive), then post it up.
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I think that request is excellent - well done for volunteering to compile the information.

Maybe slippy will do the one titled diplomacy - a career option ;)

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I have a zetec in a narrow, converted from CVH. However I have some info on the original factory Xflow conversion and a breakdown of costs both the "new part route" and the cheaper used route.

The zetec will need an ecu to run it, and most favour an aftermarket afair, so that's £500 for a start. A RR set up with chokes and other bits another £400 or so, so costs can mount very quickly.

An engine will be £200ish if it needs no work, and then it depends on which zetec you are going to install. I chose teh 1.8 silver top (series 2), as this had the flywheel and waterpump fitted, and was a potential 5-10bhp loss over the 2l. However 2l cams drop strainght in and are cheep in any scrap yard.

As others have said, clutch and exhausts, mounts and even things like altenators and starter motors can all add up.

40's will be fine, but an inlet manifold will be needed.

All in I was a bout £2K, on top of the salle of the old engine.,

Pm me for more stuff if you want.


PS I live in Oundle and will be blatting this weekend if you are around.

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well done for volunteering to compile the information.

thx Mr Club sec - who vounteered for wot (& sorry for spelling   :p )?

Would it not be easier to just start a new topic in FAQ and ask people to copy their stuff in (rather than link to it)??  - having not done these jobs I 'm not sure any particular person could sort the  good from the bad advice in any collation exercise.

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right ... ive had a go at the xflow to zetec in the narrow.  was something id written a while back but i have a severe lack of photo's to make it an interesting read so these may come in handy for the thread from anyone that has them.

For those that have done it aswell, throw some comments down in the faq thread and i'll update accordingly, then we can get the thread cleaned up when we're happy with it.



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I’m doing this at the moment! The kit is a 1992 but was never finished (barely ever started).

I have had to get the grinder out to fit the XR4i gearbox in but it does fit.

I am at the point now I need new engine mounts as the ones that came with the kit are for the pinto. it is a tight fit with the 2L Zetec but there is room.

No idea on the cost as im still doing it.

One question, why do you take the flywheel of the 1.8? what’s wrong with the 2.0L?

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