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Surrey Area Meet Tuesday 10th April


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Members from outside the area are more than welcome to visit us as usual.


That's good - though we'd probably come anyway. :D

See you tonight.


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I'll be there tonight.  :D

If anyone else coming along tonight has a bolt extractor suitable for removing a rounded sump plug from a Raceline sump and is willing to loan it to me I would be externally grapefruit.

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Well it was nice to come along and say hello after a 4 month absence, I wanted to catch up with a few of you and mention my cvh to vx conversion. :love:

Had to bl**** leave just as I got there, don't ask  :bangshead:

I hope to have my Westie on the road next month, probably not in time for the meet up though.  :(

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Had to bl**** leave just as I got there, don't ask  

Sorry I missed you - next time?

Great turnout chaps and chapesses and what a lovely evening for a drive it was too.

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