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that explains it  :down:  :down:  :down:  :down:  :blush:  :devil:

does that mean she is driving me up harewood this year then ?

she says she would but not sure you could take the pace!  :D  :D

she's scared you would fall asleep and stop giving her directions!! ???  ???

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I'll be doing Wiscombe. Enter the Aldon HSA championship and do that as well you get to do wiscombe and gurston etc.

I decided I wouldn't do the HSA championship this year because the organisation of the championship was terrible....  

Despite several E-mails and phone calls the organisers never came back to me on whether kit cars in the road-going category could remove their windscreens....

There were people in the wrong class (running 1B tyres); when I asked the driver they said they said they'd told the organisers they shoudl be in a different class.... I asked the organisers and again no reply.....

Results still show them in my class...

There weren't many people who I was directly competing against... e.g. at Gurston only me and Chris Jones who's got a 200BHP car and ran without windscreen (having said that he'd probably beat me in a pedal car, but that's beside the point!)

Decided I'd only do the WSCC, and now find Wiscombe is off.......

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There are opportunities to compete at Wiscombe as there are a number of good events run there each year (no, not part of the SS but still good events).

I do them all as I only live 20 mins away but come along and maybe it could be reconsidered for the SS in 2008 if enough enthusiasm and it would be great to see bigger Westfield attendance anyway.

Most events are organised by Woolbridge Motor Club - http://www.woolbridge.co.uk/ and are very well run.

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Decided I'd only do the WSCC, and now find Wiscombe is off.......

Does that mean you will do more than the three events you did last year & make a serious attempt at the championship?

If not, and you just enjoy the hill, then whether the SS has the venue as a round of the championship or not is irrelevant. Just find out who does have it as a round of their championship and ask them to send you the regs.

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There weren't many people who I was directly competing against... e.g. at Gurston only me and Chris Jones who's got a 200BHP car and ran without windscreen (having said that he'd probably beat me in a pedal car, but that's beside the point!)

Decided I'd only do the WSCC, and now find Wiscombe is off.......

You have me and dad to compete against this year. Go on you know you want to.  :D  :t-up:

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Does that mean you will do more than the three events you did last year & make a serious attempt at the championship?

When I began last year I didn't have a trailer so yes I split my rounds across the HSA and WSCC championships to keep the driving distances reasonable.... which is why I only did 3 WSCC rounds last year....

Now I have a trailer I was thinking I would have a more serious go at the WSCC championship as its more enjoyable when you're directly competing against people with similar cars... but now I notice that Wiscombe is off and so there's no hillclimbs close to me on the WSCC any more....

I hear what you're saying... if I'm not competing directly for the championship then why worry whether the event is a round of the championship or not... The reason is that if its a WSCC round there will be people there with similar cars (Rob and Colin, Martin Hepworth, John Pearce, Steve Pritchard, etc, all of whome I had some good events with last year).. making the day far more enjoyable..... contrast that to Gurston in the HSA and there was only me and Chris Jones who's way quicker than me, and the day was less enjoyable because I didn't really stand a chance....

Maybe now I know Rob and Colin are doing the HSA I'll sign up for that again... was just really put off by the organisation last year, see earlier post.

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Yup, see your point, It is difficult to guage whether other similar cars will be there if not part of a series, even if you're not doing them all.

Now I have a trailer I was thinking I would have a more serious go at the WSCC championship as its more enjoyable when you're directly competing against people with similar cars

Hopefully bump into you then this year.


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Does that mean you will do more than the three events you did last year & make a serious attempt at the championship?


As I recall the speed deries was set up to give people a chance to get in to motorsport with the cars they were running.

It would be a shame to move away from this.  

Surley the series has to be aimed at all not just the drives that do every round or you will never encorage more people to take part ?

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Surley the series has to be aimed at all not just the drives that do every round or you will never encorage more people to take part ?

It is, so your point is....?

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my point is that the attitude of only giving consideration to the events that attract the most people and the views of the drivers that do the most events does not seem to achieve this ideal.
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Rob, re-read the thread, I think you'll find the response is to the fact that Richard may feel that Wiscombe is not available if he is not part of the SS, and as such is disappointed it has been dropped.

You and I know that is not the case as he can approach any invited club or championship and apply for an entry.

If however, he were doing all the events, then his disappointment would be credible, as it is a championship round in his location.

I know it's confusing m8, but I HTH, now get back to some skiing practice!!


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I fully understand the topic mate

its the strange attitude towards the guys asking what seem to be reasonable questions that I don't understand

The respones to Macin and the Bros seems to me a very dismissive

Again the credabilty of his dissapointment seems a strange concept that I assume must be too confusing for me as well.

Oh well !

Back to watching the ski sunday I taped from the weekend  


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Sorry Robert, I will moderate my responses in the future. Might need a personality refresh tho'

Just learnt how to edit & upload

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