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anyone free on 12th Feb living near Farneham?


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as many of you southerners may (or maybe not) be aware, we are a registered club within the Association of Central Southern Motor Clubs and as such, as well as being eligible to join in on any other member clubs' competative events, are invited along to their council meeting and AGM.

I've been along to a couple, some are directly relevant, MSA rule changes etc, but most is interest to see the workings of the UK motor sport organisation at local level.

The next one is 12th Feb at Crondall near Farnham, Surrey, but I cant make it, so rather than no-one going, thought i'd see if any one else is interested in popping along.

You dont get any jobs and dont have any responsibilities or other embarasements, unless something earth shattering happens that you feel should be pased back to the competing WSCC members.

So all you do is turn up, introduce yourself to the big important looking chap (anyone who has been to Abingdon Carnival will recognise him as the clerk of the course there) and drink their coffee, or as its in a bar, drink beer :D

Let me know and I'll get the map and info sent over.


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