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Surrey Area Meeting next Sunday


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Hard to believe another year has zipped by - those who know me well will know what an awful year it has been for my family and I so frankly I am pleased to be near the end of it!!

On a happier note, next Sunday is the last meeting of the year and is also our Club Christmas lunch.

Lunch participants (you know who you are!) should arrive by about 12.00 and for everyone else, the usual meeting time of 13.00 applies.

Big Ads will be there with his recently completed, SVA'd and registered car and it is a beauty - well done son - so there will be plenty of opportunity for p**s taking!

As usual, members from outside the area are very welcome to join us.

John C and I look forward to seeing you all!

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With any luck the old girl will be back on the road minus the electrical gremlins (touches large piece of wood), so here's hoping for a sunny afternoon. Can't wait to see the new shiny black addition to the family! ;)
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The Kent boys will be there for grub, minus Keith's Caterham because (i) its MOT has run out and (ii) he's thinking of cycling there - nutter. Some people have no idea - don't they know this is a car focussed event. :D  :D I even offered him a lift in proper sports car. ;)  :laugh:


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ii) he's thinking of cycling there - nutter

I never could understand people who buy Caterhams and this news doesn't make the explanation any clearer ...  :(

Look forward to seeing all the Kent boys on Sunday!

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Excellent Christmas Lunch folks, I hope you all enjoyed your meal and the banter - although the staff were obviously pushed (there were 17 of us, another table with a group of 20 plus all the other full tables) they did try, even contacting me this morning to confirm that all was in place for us.

See you all in the New Year - have a Great Christmas!

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Sorry to miss the banter, I did make it honestly. However after buying my pint and standing patiently in the carpark I got a message from her indoors (or rather outdoors) saying she'd locked herslf out!  :bangshead:

After a speedy trip back to Epsom it started looking very dark and a bit wet so I gave up on the idea of heading back. Hope all went well and the shiny black and red addition did look good Adam although a bit too clean, even considering the weather! Have a great Christmas, see you next year  :xmas:


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Hi Jon,

Sorry we missed you but hopefully the fact that you were there means that the electrical gremlins have been resolved?

See you next year.

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