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Thames Valley Change of AO

Neil H

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Hi All.

I realise my e-mail is too late for those that turnout for this Sunday's Area meeting (12th Nov) and find out through other means.... been a busy diary this week with work and social life and then there's the PC upgrade that went "Pete Tong" in the middle of it all. Well, that's my excuse anyway.

Phil Stratton-Lake has kindly stepped forward and offered to take on the challenge of Area Organiser for the Thames Valley Area, though he did need a few pints of Hobgoblin (nice dark heavy real ale for those of you that don't know, or drink lager). I'm about to notify the WSCC club, to make it official, and will then carryout a handover.

I've promised Phil that I will continue to provide help wherever needed with his new role and hope that you give him your support so that the Area can move into whatever direction you wish.

There's absolutely no question of me getting rid of the Westie. I'll continue to turn up at events, where possible, and hope to see from time to time.

Apologies once again, but I won't be able to make today's meet either, Jane wants support at her regional karate grading classes just after mid-day today (leaving in a mo')... who am I to turn her down :-(

Many thanks for all your support in the past,


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Beware of that Hogboblin stuff. Tastes good, but makes you agree to anything! :p

Thanks to Neil for the offer of support, and for doing an excellent job over the last few years.   :t-up:

Any suggestions for events gratefully received.

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