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Speedo drive

The Pig

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Have a pre-lit with x-flow and RS2000 gearbox and speedo cables last about 500 miles.

Can anyone advise where I can get a right-angled drive adapter from ? I've done a brief search and had a scan round the internet without much luck.

Many thanks in advance !

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Quite expensive but a nice bit of kit - I think mine was in region of £70

edited to add - but that was fro a type 9, don't know if they're different

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Don't mean to hijack the thread, but it seems a bit stupid to start a "speedo drive" thread above abother one...

Is there a way to replace a faulty speedo drive unit without removing the gearbox? My speedo is knackered and I've been told that this is the cause and solution.

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My speedo at the moment reads correctly when i'm coasting and reads half the speed when i'm on the loud pedal ??? (electonic speedo rather than mechanical)
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Langy - that sounds like a  sensor postioning problem - under load is the rortating bit moving away from the sensor slightly, so you only pick up a signal some of the time ? Checking the sensor position and/or  diff/gearbox (as appropiate) mount might be fruitful
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