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WSCC BARC Easter race weekend


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Unfortunately Peter Osbourne (Ed of Westfield World) can't make the Easter weekend so I'm putting out a request for someone to be roving reporter for the 15/16th April @ Pembrey.

Last year Peter was happy with the idea of a report going into WW about the goings on in the series. So all we need to do is submit regular articles!

I have spare tickets for any volunteers and I'm more than willing to fill your boots with alcohol on the Saturday night :D If your Swindon based I can even get you there and back - I'm going down Friday to Sunday.

All you need is a camera and a note book..........if you want to read my previous waffle see hear....  Waffle, waffle, waffle......

It's just a one off so no need for a whole year commitment - unless you wanted to. Either Peter or a photographer mate of mine (who's in Slovakia :angry: ) will be able to complete the rest of the events.




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Hi Geoff.

I cant make it unfortunately. What is the entry list like? Lots or is it looking a bit thin? Hope all goes well for you.



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Hi Keith,

We have thirteen but I notice Deefab are missing plus a few other notables from last year. Late entries?

It cannot go any worse than testing at Brands :)




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I should be a snetterton...cars still in bits at the moment. Winter has been a bit busy. Have got an advance notice from BARC that no more acb10 next year.............
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Have got an advance notice from BARC that no more acb10 next year.............

Oh! Thats interesting. What else are they proposing then, anyone know?

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Hi Richard,

See you at snetterton then :)

I got the same notice from BARC. I wonder if we'll get a new all in one dry and wet control tyre or go the opposite way and have a slick and a wet? ???




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Hi Keith,

We have thirteen but I notice Deefab are missing plus a few other notables from last year. Late entries?

It cannot go any worse than testing at Brands :)




Mike (1 of Deefab) has sold his race car

Quentin ?? don't know what he is planning, I want his Xtr 4!

has a Busa for the summer and is building a high spec Zetec also


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Hi Mark,

We need to be able to make high teens regularly or we'll get amalgamated with another formula. Not good :(



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I won't be at Pembrey, lazing in the sun on the Costa Del Sol, but I'll see everyone at Snetterton at the end of the month.

On tyres, we won't go for a slick. Everyone would need to be dry-sumped or the bottom end will eat itself. Shamus threw a rod going round Coram without slicks on!

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On tyres, we won't go for a slick. Everyone would need to be dry-sumped or the bottom end will eat itself.

Yep, fair enough. Maybe we should go for a single wet & dry tyre to reduce costs then?  ???




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Maybe we should go for a single wet & dry tyre to reduce costs then?

Won't work. You will then need 2 sets of the same tyre. One buffed as a dry and one with full tread for a wet. Cant see what is wrong with the current ACB10's myself. They are great why change something that works. I guess someone has a reason. Sponsorship/money maybe.

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Hi Keith,

You will then need 2 sets of the same tyre. One buffed as a dry and one with full tread for a wet.

Okay. A lot of people may will go out and do that but some will just practice on one set to 'wear' them out for the dry and then buy a second 'new' set for the wet - or emergency puncture replacement.

It would work out a bit cheaper.

I must admit I'm quite happy with the ACB10's even if I have found out the hard way how little grip they have in cold / damp conditions :(

I'll race to whatever rules are given me :)




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Keith - I had heard that the contract between Westfield and Avon was close to the end, so I presume we are waiting to see who Richard can do a deal with for next season. Presuming the company is still in the same ownership by then.

Also heard other rumours about amalgamation with a different series, hence the tie up with the 750MC for a couple of events this  year. Probably all a load of rubbish, although the schedule does seem to lack a little imagination this year. 4 races at Snetterton, no Thruxton (home of the BARC). Does make you wonder!

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Other news that may be of interest to you guys.....

Nick Sinfield has a brand new SEi car.

Didier Prongué has bought Quentins old car.

Troy Robinson can't compete this weekend although Steve & Troy will be there as normal to support the series.

BTW - I also have 2 spare tickets if anyone needs some.

See you all there  :t-up:

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