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Back from SVA


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Just got back from the first SVA at Chadderton. A big thanks to Dave (the examiner) who was more than helpful throughout the day.

But, alas, we failed. The emissions were slightly over what they should be and the speedo was drasticaly under reading (66mph at an indicated 35 is not correct)!

Other than that, everything was good, examiner commented on both the quality of the build and the parts.

Personally, I think its a pretty good result for a couple of blokes who, for the past 15 months, havent had a clue what theyre doing! :D

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Good first effort!!

What's the speedo, Smiths or VDO? My Smiths one over-read but they allowed me to tweak the dip switches oin the rollers, it wasn't that far out though. If you do a search there was quite a useful post by Flappa on the pulse count maths.

What's the engine? My emmisions, sorry, the car's emmisions :blush:  were way out and needed re-mapping. If they are just out, maybe worth checking for exhaust leaks - that's if it's got a cat/lambda sensor.

More info and help can be offered.

kery S

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Ive got a VDO speedo, and will certainly go back through the posts to get some help. The examiner did give me a figure that he thought was about right and that improved matters somewhat. It may also explain, why, when driving to the SVA, i was passing everything on the motorway!
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