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Blat finished early today :/


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You may remember about my spluttering problems on my crossflow, well i had a poke around, cleaned a few bits up and the car seemed to be running fine again.

It was spluttering very badly in the higher rev range but today, about 20 minutes from home it started doing the same thing but at any speed.

Anyway, i made it home and being a bit of a mechanical newbie lifted the bonnet to have a look.

By chance i thought i would check the spark plug leads.

Well, one has now lost any grip it had at all on plug number 2 and the lead on number one came away and left the metal contacts on the end of the plug!

3 and 4 seem fine and clip on with a healthy pop, the others sadly do very little.

So, i would assume they simply were not firing correctly and that would explain the perfectly rhythmic misfire sound, the smell of fuel and the extreme popping from the exhaust due to the fuel not getting burnt correctly?.

Not sure what would of caused this, could it maybe be a heat issue simply knackering the leads or could it be down to the fact that the plugs are different to the old ones i took out?

They are the same size in terms of fitting into the engine and onto the leads, but they are smaller in terms of spanner size needed to remove them if that makes sense.

Eg they are not as chunky (technical term that)

I guess of course it could also be that these leads simply have a life and mine have come to the end of theirs

Anyway, i have just ordered a set of lumenition leads which i hope sould fit ok (it says for all Xflows and certain escorts anyway) but am not sure if i should change the plugs.

They are just normal ford NGK ones and have been in the car for about 2 months.

Any advice greatly appreciated of course, i am now going to sulk as i watch another lovely day get wasted  :bangshead:

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Hi Boomy,

Nip round your friendly scrappy & pay a £1 for a "get yer home" set of leads / disti cap / rotor arm / rad cap / jubilee clips / water pipe / naff old screwdriver that fits jubilee clips. Put it all in a plastic carrier and HEAVILY tank tape to inside your engine bay - a chassis tube is useful.

I'm sure someone will come along in a mo and say nice kit in a some sort of filofax type zippe thing in your boot - but it'll go flying about all over the place and cost the earth - especially if you have new replacement kit in it.

Go for the cheap lightweight option!





Oh yeah - I agree with JAG  :D

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