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Lower steering column issue.


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Does anyone have ay ideas on how i can get my ower steering column that was modifyed by WF to stop fouling the chassis just behind where it meets the steering rack??

It is the larger section bar that WF added that is causing the problem. Can i grind this down??



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Does anyone have ay ideas on how i can get my ower steering column that was modifyed by WF to stop fouling the chassis just behind where it meets the steering rack??

It is the larger section bar that WF added that is causing the problem. Can i grind this down??



Mine was the same , I have ground some off to give clearence but its right on the weld so I'm not 100% happy with it .  :(

I'm considering buying the Westfield upper & lower coloums , but that sort of defeats the object of the SDV kit  :bangshead:

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If it is splined at both ends, the fat part that fouls usually has a thin part at the other end. Turning it end to end then lines up the thinnest part with the chassis instead of the fat part if you see what I mean?


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Got a feeling the SDV/Sierra column is triangular at the top end, with splines at the lower end. So it's not reversible... I think...

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Blatman is spot on it cant be reversed, however I have sort of managed to bodge it a bit by slightly off setting the lower fixing on the upper steering column, however there are two problems:

1) It is still very close!! although it doesnt hit so im not that worried

2) I used the word bodge in my first sentence.  ???

If anyone comes up with a more permenant fix i would be very grateful.


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