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BARC Westfield Champs.


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oioi - I think you're right about WW report. It would not be hard to have a paragraph listing remaining race dates. One other paragraph listing points positions for top 6 in the Championship and a two paragraph report of the last race with a couple of thumbnail pictures. A bit like the AO reports.

barney - would it be possible to link the internet page to the WW reports?   ???

Some good reports of races have been posted here (See Simon's last one). I know Keith's site also has some reports from this year.

I'm happy to knock together a report for Rockingham with pictures to start off  :)  I mean what do I have to do? Go round and talk to people before / after the race and make notes? Then get my spanner man Dave (who's into camera's) to take pictures and make sure it's all in a format acceptable to Mr Osborne?




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Hi Blatman,

Did you see the program where Jeremy Clarkson interviewed Schumacher and was talking about the psychology (amongst other things) of race drivers? They had a game of "slapsy" which JC didn't do too badly at and MS started to get a bit snotty :) until he started winning :D

I think the 'expert' psycologists explained that most racers were 'normal' edging towards psycopath - for example they used the no guilt about extraordinary actions - Schumacher taking Hill & then Villenueve out in order to win the F1 Championship.

Also solitary individuals.......I mean it was a bit psycho babble but it may explain the general lack of BARC racers in the club.

Any psychologists out there?  ???




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I take your point. But extend the thinking a bit. Quite a lot of the.. ahem... older owners were inspired by The Prisoner. I am not a number and all that. It seems many new owners have bought because they keep getting lapped on track days. Either way, you could argue that our cars, and the passion for them, is a rather solitary pursuit. The point of a club is that we can all still be individuals, but share the *experience* of our individualtiy together...

Nurse. The big blue pills please...

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I might be, but I am on notice from work that I may not be allowed the day off. And I haven't entered as a result so even if I come up, I won't be driving on track :(

I will be picking your brains at some point in the future though :0

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I agree about 'sharing' the experience but the psychology may explain the smaller interaction of the racing community in the club :)

I'm lucky. Zycko Ltd has quite a few racers! We have Rob & John Cullum from Clio's / Mini's / Karts. Tom Marshall from FF1600 / Karts and me from Hot Hatch / Karts and Dave 'Very' Strange from FF1600 / FF2000 (many years ago in a galaxy far far away....)

All I need to do is get a smaller battery box for my Yuasa (instead of the rally parts monster I currently have) and fit the passenger seat & hey presto I can get feedback on my driving from a multitude of sources.




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