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Llandow Karting Challenge

Mat Jackson

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The gauntlet is thrown down…...

The South Wales area will be hosting an endurance karting event on the evening of Thursday 15th September at Llandow Karting Centre (same place as the circuit).

Cost of the event is £30 per driver and the event lasts 2 hours.  Teams will be made up of 3 drivers, with the aim to complete as many laps as possible in the 2 hour session.

For the event to go ahead we need a minimum of 21 drivers, and as we are only a small area we will need all your help to make the numbers up.

I have never karted (is that a word?) at Llandow, but have been assured by people who have that it is a great circuit and it will be a fantastic evening.  So if you fancy meeting other members, and having a fantastic time blatting around a circuit then come and join us!!!  I'm sure we can arrange food and liquid refreshment afterwards.

If you are interested, please PM me with your details (name, phone number, e-mail address).  We will need to pay a deposit soon, so we need an idea of numbers in the next few weeks.



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What timings are you proposing Mat?? Have they got floodlights? Could be significant for people travelling from outside the local area.

Don't want to put off anyone else....but I'll be there!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry Chris, didn`t realise timmings weren`t on there

We would be looking to get there at 6pm, which I know could be a bit tight.  finish would then be at about 8:30, giving us time to get some sustanance and a couple of drinks.

If people are nterested int his then please dop me PM, as I need to get an idea of how many numbers we can get.

If people would rather do it on a weekend, then please let me know.  we can certainly change it, but we would have to put it back as the weekend slots are fairly wel booked up.

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Sorry Chris, didn`t realise timmings weren`t on there

We would be looking to get there at 6pm, which I know could be a bit tight.  finish would then be at about 8:30, giving us time to get some sustanance and a couple of drinks.

If people are nterested int his then please dop me PM, as I need to get an idea of how many numbers we can get.

If people would rather do it on a weekend, then please let me know.  we can certainly change it, but we would have to put it back as the weekend slots are fairly wel booked up.


I assume they have lights there then.......??? Sunset will be around 1930hrs  :0  :0

Given the "early" start I think you will be lucky to get anyone from other areas.....

Sorry, not trying to be destructive, really!! :)

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hi mat count me/dad and bro in on the karting event.

and sorry i couldnt make the last meet  :(

how many teams are we aloud to have?

thanks jon

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We need a minimum of 21 people, basically 7 teams of 3.

The event is floodlit so people should hav eno problems there!!!!  I tried for a weekend event, but most of the dates were booked up so this is the best we could get.

If we can`t get the numbers we could book for a weekend later in the year.

I`ll do a quick count and phone around, and we can make a firm decision at the enxt meet.


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:D I,ve got a team not Westy owners but mad all the same ???
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Hi Mat

Can't make the meet next week, but I'm confident of having a team available for the karting - might be able to get more than one if numbers are low.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Trevor (Moribus).....I've just clicked on your website link............... and I can't help but envisage you as an eccentric individual :cool:

I like that :blues:

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Hi Mat

I have 4 definates who will pay in full!!! :D

may not be able to make the meet tonight as SWMBO's shopping car has a knackerd steering pump, have to change that before she will issue a pass to me ???:arse:

I will PM U

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Trevor (Moribus).....I've just clicked on your website link............... and I can't help but envisage you as an eccentric individual :cool:

I like that :blues:

Thanks, Scott.

That is some compliment coming from someone with your reputation for off the wall behaviour :p:):p .  I thought being a nutter was a prerequisite for Westfield ownership anyway  :cool::blues::cool:

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