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Heater fitment

Tony Hughes

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Hi Again,

My Madness manual is a little light on fitting the heater.  The screen ducts have not been cut out of my scuttle - any advice on what tool to use to get a neat job eg: saw, drill lots of holes and file, hedge trimmer (only joking) etc.?

How is the ducting bonded to the scuttle underside, sealant, glass and resin?

Hope you can help out there!  Cheers,


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I cut my duct holes out with a dremmel with a tungsten carbide tile cutter bit.. Like a knife through butter..

The ducting is fixed to the scuttle with Silicone sealant..! :p

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I also used sealant to fix the ducting, put a tin of paint on it and leave it over night to set.

The vents, I used a drill to cut lots of holes, then a needle file to finish them off.

I found a dremmel is VERY usefull when you get onto doing the bodywork, but be carefull if you slip, it isn't very forgiving.



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You want to use a polyurethane adhesive like sikaflex in stead of silicone cause silicone can give way if it gets to hot.


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The polywhatsit stuff can be got frm Car Builder Solutions, it sticks like S*** to a blanket and ain't bothered much about the heater
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Drill two holes from the outside at the ends of where you want the slots. Then turn the scuttle over and take the dremel making a nice straight cut between the holes.  Makes them nice and round ended as well.
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Drilled three pilot holes 3mm at one end then with 4 hacksaw blades taped together cut out a nice slot to the other end then finish off with 320grit wet/dry + water. Heater ducting fixed with black polyurethane adhesive from car builder solutions. :)
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Make sure it is fitted the right way round!!

I fitted mine wrongly and had to reposition the wiper boxes  :arse:  :arse:

Stuck ok with silicon adhesive and held down with full paint tins.

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