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VDO Pulse Setting


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Just doing the final prep before SVA and have come to calibrating the VDO Speedo.  As I don't have a 1 mile test track or calibrated rolling road handy I will be setting the pulse value.

I have 195/50/15 tyres inflated to 19psi with the sender set over the rear lobro joint.  What pulse setting would you advise??



:)  :)

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There is a clculation in the build guide I used that i think mine was 5240 allowing 3% over read. I'll let you know how accurate it is on Monday.


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- Must get practising my search skills.

- Good luck Monday JAK, any feedback will be useful to help me prepare mine for Friday.


:D  :D

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Just double checking the car for SVA tomorrow. I checked the pulse setting and it is 5290, not 5240 as in earlier post. This was done by using the calculation in the manual for 195/50 x15 tyres. I'll let you know how accurate it is tomorrow :p  :p  :D  :D


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I've got 195/50 x 15 tyres, at 24psi rear, 16 psi front (IIRC) Low front pressure to help with self centering.

I used a setting of 5370 for my first SVA, it read slightly under on all speeds, 40, 50, 60 and 70, however it read 36 at 35 so it failed..... It was pretty 'bang on' though apart from the 35 speed.

For the re-test I used 5310, it passed although the examiners comment was, " it's a bit out although most of them are" ? ?



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My setting was spot on, no probs, although I had to move the sensor away - it was too close causuing the speedo reading to fluctuate.


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May be a bit late now but here's mine :-

3% below Pulse no/circ. of wheel & tyre


=5189 to be imputted, however, the last two digets on the VDO can't be changed from 0 (instruction don't mention this) so just rounf up to the nearest 100, it wont make a lot of difference.

I used 5200 & was spot on for 'SVA' at 29.1(30mph);48.6(50mph) & 68(70mph), even got a little print out from the 'SVA' guy as proof.

Hope this helps & good luck for the test.


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Thanks for all the replies, will set it up when I get back to the car on Thurs. (just got a frustrating few days at work 200miles away from car with SVA on Fri aaaargh)


TED :D  :D  :p

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I've got 195/50 x 15 tyres, at 24psi rear, 16 psi front (IIRC) Low front pressure to help with self centering.

I used a setting of 5370 for my first SVA, it read slightly under on all speeds, 40, 50, 60 and 70, however it read 36 at 35 so it failed..... It was pretty 'bang on' though apart from the 35 speed.

For the re-test I used 5310, it passed although the examiners comment was, " it's a bit out although most of them are" ? ?



I though it was the other way round.

You used 5310 for your first test, and then re-tested it using 5370.


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Thanks John,

Done everything I can think of but have still packed plenty of useful bits and tools.  Main things I am concerned about are the brakes (rears locking up first so will take the motorway to the test centre and go easy on them) and self centreing as it wasn't too keen to do it earlier.  I have toed in the front and pumped the tyres up to 30psi so fingers crossed.

AH well here goes


:down:  :down:  :p  :p

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With regard to the steering centreing, the SVA bod said that so long as it trys to self centre, thats good enough.

As for the brakes apart from having done approx 40 miles I didn't do anything out the ordinary - no probs at all.

As per other thread if the speedo needle is not steady open up the gap between the pick up sensor and the lobro joint bolts.


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