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More electrical advice & a gearbox question?


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OK - so my Westie ownership has been a wee bit fraught...  but hopefully on the up.

I had not had the car long when I had a loud bang, a puff of smoke form under the dash, and what turn out to be a burnt out thick red wire coming off the ignition barrel. (see my previous post, and thanks to those for the advice then)

So I finally got the time this weekend to have a look. Basically the wiring under the dash looked ok, but with a few bits for concern. I have replaced a load of connectors, re-taped some bits and put the thing back together, but without finding an obvious cause. This seems (though not fully tested yet) to have sorted a blowing side light circuit, and corrected a slightly iffy indicator repeater, but I am unsure if I have sorted the main problem.

I am now thinking of putting an in line fuse on the wire that blew, and running the car to see if it blows again.

So is this a sensible idea? If so, would a 30 amp fuse be ok?

If not, or if it blows again, I need to get in touch with an auto electrician to have a look ( I am short on time, and really would like to use the car this summer ! ! ! ! ) So can anyone give a recomendation in the north london area?

Or does anyone have any suggestions? I have had a look at where the loom enters the car, and the rubber grommet is still there and I can't see any damage to the loom (Thanks to the member who I spoke to in Calais on the way back from Le Mans for this suggestion - I can't remember who you were!;)

All help gratefully accepted!

Also - I am after a good type 9 gearbox for a change later this year, if anyone has one going!  What should I expect to pay for this? and what parts other than the box will I need - it's for a Pinto!

Thanks in advance for any replies.


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A 30 amp fuse is a bit of a whopper - remember, the fuse rating MUST be less than the capacity of the wire it is protecting! I'd start much lower although this is a bit of a kludge really, you really do need to find the fault, not just protect against it ...

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I'd thought I'd posted a possible (probable) reason for the burnt out wire in the loom.

I'll be back, with either an "I told you so", or "should've searched" answer. Hang on...

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You did... thanks, but that does not appear to be it. (I checked at the time....  but now going to the garage to double make sure!!!!;)   I'll be back.....
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Yup. Just found the thread...

When I burnt out my thick brown (not red) cable, there was almost no evidence of it at all to be found, other than the burnt cabling. It was only by looking *closely* at the ingition switch that I realised that as I turned the key it was actually rotating the whole barrel slightly such that it made contact with the dash hoop. It made a 'kin big spark and I bashed me head. Fixed it though...

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OK - just double and tripple checked.

My ignition barrel is joined to the steeing column, so the back end with the terminals on, appears to be nowhere close to the dash hoop? I am assuming that the barrel casing is earthed, so if there were movement in the barrel itself, and it touched the loop, there should be no problem? (Though I did take the key down and try it, and there appears no movement.)

And yes I meant brown not red cable... must be the sun!

Thanks again.


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So can anyone give a recomendation in the north london area?

I'll be in North London this Saturday. I may be able to swing by...

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So can anyone give a recomendation in the north london area?

I'll be in North London this Saturday. I may be able to swing by...

To bash your head again? :D

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ah ha...  you'll struggle, as this was taken in Nottingham where I bought the car!

I am just off Torrington Park!

Lunchtime would be fine! I am just cancelling my other plans for saturday, and need to make sure I am not letting mates down, but all should be fine!


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Torrington Park was where I used to have my lock up. However, the landlord/managing agents have been p******** me around, so I've just got a new one a bit nearer the house.

Anyhow, let me know for sure when you know what's what, and I'll PM you me mobile number...

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