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First Decent Run In My Westi.


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Hi All,

After my SVA fail due to emissions, I had to take the car down to WF today, so they could sort it out... :(  :(  :D  :angry:  :D  :cool:

Had an amazing trip down, from Manchester all the way down the A34, via congleton, stafford, then on to the A449, through wolverhampton.

The car behaved it's self, WF sorted out the emissions. Watch the Mike Brewer DVD, strange chap... then I headed back.

It been an amazing drive, reminded me exactly what the last two years have all been about.  :cool:  :cool:

Can't wait till the next one. SVA re-test tommorow afternoon, but little chace of getting it registered before the Manc meet that evening... :(

But hopefully by the weekend.  :D


Dan. - Got your bits, looks like I'll need a lift Wed tho, if thats OK?

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Dan. - Got your bits, looks like I'll need a lift Wed tho, if thats OK?

Cheers mate, no problem for a lift on Wednesday, I will be round a similar time to last month.

You could try ringing Manchester DVLA as see what they say, you could arrange the inspection for the Wednesday after you have passed. And anyway, isn't the Manchester meet on your way home from the SVA test, officer?



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Just out of curiosity, did the lack of number plate or tax cause you any bother? It was your golden opportunity to blast past a Gatso!

Re-test should be a breeze, hope it goes OK

Kerry S

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Just out of curiosity, did the lack of number plate or tax cause you any bother

Apart from the car being lighter without them I think he got there and back without any trouble at all.

He is at the re-test this afternoon so I don't think he will reply to this today.


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IIRC I did over 400 miles without plates & tax, SVA x 2 plus a set up trip to Plays Kool. Passed four or five Police cars with no problems. Passed a mobile camera unit doing tax dodger checks with no problems. Stopped at a pedestrian crossing in the middle of Holmes Chappel, two WPCs strolled past on their rounds, and all they did was give me a friendly wave.
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IIRC I did over 400 miles without plates & tax, SVA x 2 plus a set up trip to Plays Kool. Passed four or five Police cars with no problems. Passed a mobile camera unit doing tax dodger checks with no problems. Stopped at a pedestrian crossing in the middle of Holmes Chappel, two WPCs strolled past on their rounds, and all they did was give me a friendly wave.

Must've bin your boyish good looks ;)

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IIRC I did over 400 miles without plates & tax, SVA x 2 plus a set up trip to Plays Kool. Passed four or five Police cars with no problems. Passed a mobile camera unit doing tax dodger checks with no problems. Stopped at a pedestrian crossing in the middle of Holmes Chappel, two WPCs strolled past on their rounds, and all they did was give me a friendly wave.

Must've bin your boyish good looks ;)


I think they were admiring my helmet  :blush:

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:D  :)  :D  :)  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D  :D  :)  :)

It Passed !!!!!

Everything sorted, apart from a rattle that developed on the way back.  :bangshead:

Well chuffed, just about to go to the DVLA centre see what I can do about getting some plates.

A BIG THANKYOU to all club members for their help and assistance.....far to many to mention, I wouldn't have got there without the help of so many.


PS. No probs at all whilst driving around, not stopped once, I think they might have more important things to deal with at the mo. And I was so tempted to wizz past a gatso with a finger in the air, but thought, 1 I'd propbbaly meet a copper a few yards down the road, and two how would I go about asking for a copy of the photo. :D  :D


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Well done Matt  :t-up:

So that'll be another noisy car at next months meeting  ;)

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