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New suspension on the pre lit.


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Any pre lit owners here care to suggest what they are using and what i need to look for.I got told Avo's were pretty good, but do spring rates, sizes and all that jazz matter to the average westy owning man in the street?

Can you simply look on ebay, see a pair of shocks from a westy etc and assume they will fit and be ok on my car?

I see the sizes of them closed and open listed, so do i need to just measure mine and Roberts your Fathers Brother?

Or do i need to roll into a specialist place and get them to have a look?

I have rather old spax adjustables on it at the moment, and bumpy-ish type roads make the car break dance down the road so i would like to try something newer.

During all my car ownership i have yet to change anything suspension related.All i ever did was chucked a car into a place near Brands Hatch to have it lowered when the wheels were fitted, so it's all new to me.

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