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Starter Motor, Completely trashed!!


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I was running my zetec 1800, ford Mt75 gearbox, Madness kit, last night, finally got temp sender etc working so was trying to run it up to temp.

All was well, at about 85 degrees, 10 - 15 mins later, the engine just stopped dead.

We turned off the ignition, tried to re-start it and at no2 on the ignition all the dash instruments and ignition warning lamp, flickered on and off very quickly, realising it was something serious we started to investigate.

The starter motor was red hot! (although non of the feed wires were) After removal and taking it apart, we saw the bushes inside had completly shattered, bits of graphite everywhere, the coils were badly scored, the whole thing basically knackered.

The teath on the starter motor and less so on the fly wheel looked as though it might have tried to engage, or been slightly engage whilst the enigine was running?

Now I've (in case you didn't know  :)  ) have my SVA 8Am tommmorow, a new starter is a pain in the  :arse:  , but doable, my fear is what could have caused this, how can I ensure it doesn't happen with the new one.

Ideas on a postcard please




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It's possible that the pinion gear didn't retract all the way after start up. I wouldn't worry too much on a post mortem until after SVA. Fit a new starter, but *before* you fit it, dress the pinion shaft with some 1000 or 1500 wet and dry, wetted with WD40. When it looks *spotless* lubricate with a little 3 in 1 oil (NOT a large blob of grease or Copperslop) and fit it.

I've had 2 re-con starter motors that have had sticky pinion gears, so I make a habit of never fitting them before servicing them...

While you're in there, check *ALL* the battery connections between the starter, battery and earth remembering to check that the engine is properly earthed. A dodgy earth will cause some of the symptoms described, although they obviously won't knacker the pinion teeth or flywheel...

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Blatman, I've never met you but I already owe you at least one pint !  :D  :D

Thanks, I'm going to do as you describe.

Another one on the list  :)

Off to pick up the new starter motor now.

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Well getting a new starter motor isn't that easy I guess...

The local motor factors couldn't match the part, they had someone they new reconded he could refurb it today and get it back to me but would cost at least £100.

So phone Mark at Westfield, He said it's still under waranty so, I've got a courrier taking it down, and picking up a new unit from them and bringing it straight back.

Hopefully they should only be a couple of hours. And probably cost less than getting it reconed locally. 10/10 to Westfield for not messing me around and yet again being very helpfull, excellent after sales IMO.


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I wouldn't use 3 in 1,as it's vegetable based and can in time congeal.I would use a silicon or ptfe based spray.IMHO.

Morning Mr B.

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I've personally never had that problem with 3 in 1. None of the door hinges in the house have congealed, and the sewing machine runs fine on it too... :p
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Just don't try olive oil on your door hinges like I did once, Lovley and smooth for a few days until things start to grow in it.  :D  :D  :D  :D

One Screwed starter motor on it way to WF, if anyone sees a white van on the M6 please let them through!  :D


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IIRC, the starter you want is a Lucas LRS707, just in case you start getting twitchy.

If you have a Raceline lightened steel flywheel though then you'll need something else..

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IIRC, the starter you want is a Lucas LRS707, just in case you start getting twitchy.

If you have a Raceline lightened steel flywheel though then you'll need something else..

Is there much you don't know !!   :D  :D

" Twitchy " ? Me? I'm chewing my mouse at the moment 'cos I've run out of pens!  :D

Only 20 Hrs till SVA..........

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IIRC, the starter you want is a Lucas LRS707, just in case you start getting twitchy.

If you have a Raceline lightened steel flywheel though then you'll need something else..

Is there much you don't know !!   :D  :D

My Zetec knowledge is not good. My searching skills however are excellent ;)

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Well my 'new' starter motor is near Sandbatch services now, So I'll be off home soon. I can see an all nighter coming to get this car ready, but I'll do my best.

Thanks to Blatman, Darthus, flappa, kerrys, Paul Hurdsfield and everyone else on this forum that I've forgotten to mention.  :D  :D  for all the help and tips. Oh and also Mark at WF of course

Also a big thanks to all those that have gone before me for posting up their questions and SVA reports, I've hopefully read through enough to get most things covered.

I'll be at Manchester SVA 8AM tommorow (I Hope  :0  ) if anyone else is going.

So Thanks again,

And I'll post up what happened tonight and of course during the SVA tommorow afternoon.

Bye For Now,



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