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Ok so what's the deal with this in terms of getting say cycle wings repainted or arches blown in? Is it possible to just take it to any paint/body shop and get it matched up?

To be honest i have never seen paint like this, you get one small stone chip and if you so much as breath on it, 50p size chunks of lacquer start to appear and simply leave the dead flat colour underneath.

Is that normal or has a mistake been made when this car was painted?

I intend to get some bigger rear arch stone protectors so that will cover a lot of the offending peeling, but i also now have a lump of the lacquer missing on the A*** end.

There are only so many stickers i can put on the car to cover the odd dodgy bit, before long it will just be all stickers :p


Ok just realised my search attempts were only for this month..have now selected 'the beginning' and am looking ;)

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First we need to know for *sure* that your car is gelcoat. It sounds to me like it may have been painted...
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Oh..i actually have no idea.Reading through various responses after that search it seems many people are also after a colour match.Well, my car is black and apart from the odd stone chip there is nothing i actually need to paint black, i am just missing chunks of the lacquer that you can almost rip off like paper if you fiddle with it.

I was assuming that was the gel coat part?

It's my own bl**** fault really, i slapped a sticker on one of the wings to cover an area 50p size that had the lacquer style coat missing exposing flat horrible looking paint underneath.All the area around that still looked like nice shiny paint at this point which waxed up a treat.

However i removed the sticker which wasn't fixed with an especially hard glue, and it ripped out more of the lacquer exposing more flat black paintwork.

So i now have an area of about 7 inches by 5 inches with no lacquer style coating and the edges surrounding this area would, if you pulled at them just rip more and more off.

My sollution until i get it sorted and or have bigger stone protectors fitted was to slap an even bigger sticker on because it just looks so terrible :blush:

Apart from that i also have an area on the boot just under the petrol cap that has suffered a smiliar fate but again there is no black paint missing, it's just that see through top coat that makes it shine.

Being my first non metal car, i really have no idea about them or quite what gelcoat should look like!

I guess i can take a picture if you like, although it wont be of the arches, i am only going to remove those stickers when i get some bigger stone protectors as i am just too scared to touch it again ;)

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i am just missing chunks of the lacquer that you can almost rip off like paper if you fiddle with it.

I was assuming that was the gel coat part?

I think you are assuming incorrectly. Gelcoat is normally pretty thick and does not have a clear surface that can be peeled off. Sounds to me like your car has been painted and lacquered just like a tin top..

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What colour are the back of your body panels? If they ain't black, it's definately been painted. My car's red but the back of my panels are green! Certainly doesn't sound like gelcoat.
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Ok thanks, so with that in mind, i would imagine/hope i can pretty much take it anywhere to get it sorted as long as they have dealt with things like this before of course.

As i say it's just like nothing i have ever seen before.I mean if you tend to remove lacquer from most paintwork, all you end up with is a slightly more flat looking colour.This stuff just looks so dead and rough without the top coating, it may aswell suddenly appear as yellow instead of black!

I even have a friend who runs a powder coating firm and knows a bit about paint, and even he said he has never seen anything like that before.That may just be related to it being non metal of course though.

As usual thanks for the advice, it really really is appreciated.

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Sounds like either cheap lacquer was used, or it's been damaged by UV or water getting under it. Bummer...
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I'm sure it isn't its original colour, i will have to catch the old owner on MSN to ask about it.In fact he may of even mentioned to me it used to be red or something, i hadn't thought much about it until now.

There is the odd trace of red paint in a few places actually thinking about it, but most of the panels you can see are just like a flat dirty looking black.

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that will  be a nightmare to make good  without making a meal out of it, if you try to feather the edges back they will just peal back or if you do flat it , it will lift again ... to be fair even budget 2k paints should adhere the same as more expensive paints if applied correctly. cellulose or synthetic paints are a different story but  they were last used by Noah to paint  his arc. I cant imagine any one painting a westy in that sh**!!.

imo sounds  like its been painted in base/clear but the clear applied over the basecoat thats been either too warm  , cold  or in damp conditions, if its been painted in damp conditions it will have a milky appearance, people dont realise that spraying temperature/enviroment  effects the adhesion of the clear coat..

to do the job properly you will be easiest  to take a power washer or a high pressure airline with a blow gun on the end to it strip the dodgy clear coat off,im guessing it will fly off in sheets!  give the body a good flat off to key it , and repaint *properly*...

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The thing is, going by what blatman said about water getting under the lacquer, the only areas affected (and down to me really due to sticker peeling!;) are the stone chip areas on the rear wings, and a small area on the rear under the fuel filler cap.That may of come about due to fuel dribbling out of the tank when i over filled it! Likewise i imagine water has weakened the lacquer where the stone chips are, and me pulling it has just torn a huge chunk off.

The rest of the paint shines up lovely and shows no problem areas at all.Even on the front cycle wings where there are a few cracks due to stones, the lacquer is fine.

So, i'm really not sure what to do.I can hide the rear arch areas with bigger stone protectors, but the boot area near the fuel filler cap would be handy to get sorted.I was wondering if someone could just do the A*** end of the car maybe and nothing else.

You can see the stone chips i am talking about in this shot for example, but this was after a quick polish and as i say it seems to come up really well.So maybe the problem isn't so much the lacquer or paint quality but more to do with me not realising you can pull it off if not careful as those stone chips have been like that for ages and never stripped lacquer.


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From my aged failing memory .......... I think the guy that owned it before Mr Perrywinkle had a "slight moment" and in view of that may have had the car lacquered or sprayed ................. I think black was the original gel colour and he had it sprayed up same with silver stripe ............... can't remember his name but he used to be registered here  :)  :)
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From my aged failing memory .......... I think the guy that owned it before Mr Perrywinkle had a "slight moment" and in view of that may have had the car lacquered or sprayed ................. I think black was the original gel colour and he had it sprayed up same with silver stripe ............... can't remember his name but he used to be registered here  :)  :)


See here...





Fell over them while searching for other bits and pieces...

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Ah right, in that case then really it has done rather well i suppose in paint terms as no lacquer has actually peeled off until i got it lol.

The question is now..what do i do about it...hmm.

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your prob isnt with water, water doesnt effect paint, petrol shouldnt either for that matter,your prob is the laquer hasnt  keyed to the basecoat,  If its just the back end i would sand the panels down with something like 400 to start and finish with 800 w+dry and get a good coat of 2k primer  tinted black (so it doesnt chip through yellow or grey)over the whole area your are going to repaint, dont bake it but leave it a couple of days to settle,  it should  seal any dodgy paint underneath, then flat off with 1000 w+dry and paint as normal, you should eliminate  any reaction  probs this way.. not an expensive job just a bit time consuming...
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Would i get a finish good enough to match in with everything else doing that?

Or would i smply be better off taking it to the pros you think?!

I just have this terrible feeling that as i rub it down, i will simply chip off more and more lacquer and end up having to do the whole car!   ???

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