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Few SVA form questions

Derby Allen

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Just about all the forms completed and ready to sendto the DVLA for a test date. just a few questions i'm struggling to answer, any advise on what others have done and got away with will be great.

on the V55/5 question 10: Type approval number/catergory, what do you put down if anything!

question 17: max net power in KW: using a standard 1800 zetec if that helps.

Question 34: Mass in service(no idea what this relates to)

SVA application form and built up inspection form done just the above i'm stuck on. I have printed off the guidlines from Totalkit car which have something in the boxes mentioned but where they got the info from i dont know


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For the SVA, you only need to send off the SVA application form and a cheque for the required amount to Swansea.  The registration form can't be completed until after SVA with info from the pass certificate (from what I understand).  

Speak to Mark at Westfield for any figures you require for the SVA form.

There is a leaflet available from the DVLA for guidance on V55/5  


:)  :)

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for the V55 you only need the basics filling out make, model, fuel type, no of seats, body type etc the code for westfield is GG

The type approval no is *** in the box, the MAC certificate covers this.

Dont worry if you leave anything else out they will fill it in at the dvla office.


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