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Cooling system tips..


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..ok so i have to replace a part as soon as it arrives due to a leak and obviously fill the system back up, so i assume you need to fill it and bleed it?

1700 Crossflow lump btw, what do i need to make sure of and is it a standard 50/50 mix of water and coolant that would be suited to such a car?

New experience for me, never done anything bar get a new rad fitted to a Honda!

I also have the problem that i have no idea how much the system holds so am not sure how much to put in before adding the other part of the mix (assuming that is the best way)

Any advice appreciated, i'm sure its all a walk in the park for most on here :D

Oh and before anyone suggests "well how much came out ?"...erm..i did try to catch a lot of it, but it didn't go too well lol.

I also haven't looked for any drain plugs etc yet so if there are any i will see what is left in the system tomorrow.

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Use a 50/50 mix of water and coolant. If at all possible, mix the coolant with distilled/deionised water. It's a simple cheap thing to do but it will help keep the cooling system from scaling up with limescale. The second benefit is old limescale will redisolve back in to the water so that when you change the coolant again (as you should every couple of years or so), the refill of fresh distilled water will start the process again, effectively descaling your block, and helping with the efficiency of the system...

As for air locks, there's *lots* of advice in the archive... :p

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I have to get in some practice with the search facility on here, i did "coolant" and "cooling" before posting this topic and now "air locks" and i just get tons of pages not really related !


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Trawl through these results. Don't ignore the ones that don't seem relevant as there are often useful tips that work on *any* engine.

To get those results, I typed:

airlock or air and lock and x*flow

in to the search engine...

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