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SVA Date has been sent.


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I got home yesterday to find a letter from VOSA with my SVA date.  :t-up:  :D  :t-up:  :D

It's a week today at 8AM.  !!!    :D  :(  :down:  :bangshead:

So  I have to get the 'almost finished' car finally done and ready to go in a week. It also means my SVA will be on my Birthday.  :D  :)

Hopefully this will be a good omen, I should just about have enough time to finish off the last few bits, although I won't have much time to fix any problems that might crop up. Then the SVA guy will have to pass the car if it's my birthday.....won't he?  :D  :cool:

However if things go wrong this week, if something unsurpassable crops up, how do the test centres usually respond to cancellations, I know it has to be three days notice and confirmed in writing etc, etc... But will I be able to try and re-book it soon, or will I then have to wait for another three weeks or so, and would I p*** them off?

A week!!   :0  :0


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Hi Mat,

Most SVA stations get a telephone call in the morning telling about cancellations apparently.

The response you get depends on the centre - just like the examination itself. Birmingham are very cool about it.



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If you cancel before three days to go no problem. If you cancel after the three day cut off you lose £50 and to get a new date you have to send off another £150 to apply for another date to the dvla then you have to claim your origonal money back from them.

That is what bristol told me cause I wanted to cancel they also had no other slots for a least three weeks hence I worked through two full nights to get it ready.

Good Luck


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Cheers Geoff and Barry,

I thought it might complicate matters if I was to try and re-arrange things now.

I'm going to go for it, I recon I should be able to get things ready by then, I'll just have to hope that no unexpected problems arise....  :D  :D  It'll be close, but I'm hoping just about achievable.

And I'll get a nice blat on the way home, on my birthday, regardless of wether the car passes first time or not  :devil:  :devil:

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Good Luck with the SVA. My SVA is on 22 July so a frustrating few weeks ahead.



Cheers Ted,

Good luck to you too.

I'll post up any of the last minute problems that won't (please!!;) crop up and of course how the SVA goes.

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Which test centre are you going to?

It's worth checking if the DVLA inspections are done at the same place. In Birmingham they are done at another VOSA site a couple of miles from the SVA centre. If you can, arrange for this on the same day.

If you plan for it to fail first time, which the majority do, it's only £30 for the re-test with an exact list of things to work on. This is cheaper than cancelling!

All the best matey :t-up:

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Good luck, Mat & Ted. Got my SVA booked at Nottingham for the 18th July. Hopefully good news comes in threes  :D  :D


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Good luck, Mat & Ted. Got my SVA booked at Nottingham for the 18th July. Hopefully good news comes in threes  :D  :D


Lets hope so


:D  :D

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Good luck, Mat & Ted. Got my SVA booked at Nottingham for the 18th July. Hopefully good news comes in threes  :D  :D


Lets hope so


:D  :D

Yeah, lets  hope so.


Flappa, I'm taking it to the Manchester North Test station, in Chadderton.  I understood, that with 'new' builds you can't register on the same day?  ???

And yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that it's unlikely I'll pass first time, but I can't help but think about, what if I did... :D  :D

It'll be nice to take it to the next Manchester Meet.

BTW, there is a good (from my experience anyhow.. :durr: ) article in this months (out a few weeks now) PPC mag on doing your basic set up, including how to make camber gagues etc. I've just got mine made up ready for the weekend.  :t-up:


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I understood, that with 'new' builds you can't register on the same day?  


Do you have a certificate of newness from the factory??

If you do that is the only thing the dvla need to register it as new.(and a V55 and a cheque)

They will probably tell you no can't do it it needs an inspection just stand your ground and tell them it is a new car not a kit of verious bits make them check the rule book if they don't believe you.( Don't give in you are right they are wrong stand your ground don't let them bully you)

Done this twice now no problems just make sure you take proff of id with you Passport and a recent utility bill.

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Cheers Barry,

I haven't got a certificate of newness yet, I'll give WF a ring and ask them to send me one asap.

I'll try and 'be strong' although perhaps once they've given my my MAC.. :D  :D

Up until that point I'm going to try and be the nicest person there!  :D

I Think the Manchester VOSA office that does the registration is quite a way from the test centre but it is on my way from the SVA centre to my office, so I don't see why I couldn't stop off on the way back.

Cheers...although I might not pass SVA of course.. :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :D

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dont bother without mac or certificate of newness.

Good luck think positive

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I thought WF needed/wanted the MAC number to do the certificate, but can't really think why. I suspect issuing the certificate defines the date that their warranty begins so you don't want it too soon.

I went with same view as you - outwardly expecting to fail, but inwardly hoping it would pass. Since the Madness kit is fairly well developed, providing you've bult it properly (sure you have) there should only be minor things. I had a few "edges" to sort and they let me use their rolling road to reset the speedo.

But there again, you have the variability of the SVA process :p

If jak gets his emissions sorted OK tomorrow, I'm spannering for him on the 18th and riding shotgun in the tintop.

Good luck with yours.

Kerry S

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I thought WF needed/wanted the MAC number to do the certificate, but can't really think why

I spoke to W/F about the certificate of newness, they said they preferred to have the MAC number but it would be no problem to let me have the certificate without it so it is in the post.


 :)  :)

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