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My first SVA


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A big hearty HELLO to all those in westiland,

What I'm about to say isn't suitable for persons of a nervous dispositon......I'VE ATTENED MY FIRST SVA..Aaaaaagh! It all happened when a friend of mine casually remarked "my car is going in for its SVA, wana come?".So I followed him to the test centre in Mitcham,south London and spent the next 4 hours watching a person called Jamie(Mr SVA)went about giving his car a right going over,while my friend was a paragon of calm.All was going wll, then "I dont like angle of the seatbelt and the studs on the dash are a bit dodgy" was uttered from Jamie..here we go I thought but to my friends and to my surprise Jamie let us put right the problems infact he dispelled the mith about SVA.It was nice to meet a government agency offical that was 'human' and 'understanding'

It goes to show there are sensible people out there and if your are confident,then you should have no problems.

The car passed and my cool friend can now enjoy his type 7 kit car :D  :D  :D

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Most SVA centres allow you tinkering time to fix small problems like your friend had, that's why the whole morning is dedicated to the one kit car. The testers generally want to see you pass and often will help/make suggestions on changing stuff so you pass, they are indeed human.


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