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Filling probs. SEiW


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Hello all, How many of you spend valuble driving time crouched behind your cars, carefully dribbling fuel into your tanks, watching the surge rise and fall untill the petrol pump switches off coz it thinks it has a leak. Any help to overcome this most frustrating passtime will be accepted with glee. Thanks in hope. Pincher. :bangshead:
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Have no prblem with mine, :p but do notice it will leak from the breather if you brim it :angry:

it has been discussed before here

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Mine was like this but I have found out if you insert the nozzle fully it will fill as fast as the pump can dispense it.  Try it and see.
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I think half the problem is that i cant get the nozzle all the way in, or maybe the breather is blocked or maybe non existant. cheers anyway. ian.
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Had a pump that didn't switch off a few weeks ago, about a half a liter of euro95 spilled out and they closed the pump for repair. Didn't get a refund though :(
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Hi Mr Pincher,

I don't know what type of filler you have on your westie, but I have some kind of "aircraft" look thing, and it's a bastid to fill in a hurry... I have to trickle the fuel in at such a slow rate or it blows back through the breather hole under the filler aperture and soaks me in best Tesco unleaded.

Pain in the ****** A***.  I have tried putting the nozzle in all the way, half way, upside down, etc but to no avail... :angry:

I share your pain!

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carefully dribbling fuel into your tanks, watching the surge rise and fall untill the petrol pump switches off coz it thinks it has a leak.

TADTS  :D  :D  Don't ram your nozzle all the way in  :D  :p  :blush:  :blush:  :D  ;)  only put very end in and aim it up to top of filler pipe and let in run down without frothing (oooo'er  :D  :blush:  :p )

Yes it will take longer than tin-top .............. however think of it as a unique feature and quirk rather than a problem  :D  :D  ;)  :D

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Tis a right pain int  :arse:

Rather than filling up on my way out I keep my gerry can filled up and brim it before a blat. I can empty the 20+ L from the gerry can in a couple of minutes, its all the froth etc that keeps switching the pump off.

Obviously on long blats I have to endure the problem but usually I can do a full blat on the tank full.


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Well thanks chaps, good to know i'm not alone with this problem.Cheers for your comments.Ian
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When referring to filling up a Westfield ...................... it's always gonna end up sounding like a Benny Hill double entendre skit  :D  :D  :devil:  :blush:  :blush:  :p  :p  :oops:
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Just got back from USA, The pumps over there have little clips so that one you start the pump going by pressing the lever it will fill on its own and as i saw some locals doing , have a fag next to the car (whilst being filled) It then stops automativally when full.

I don't remember seeing that feature over here, but then again i don't remember looking either :suspect:

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JeffC, you might want to shrink your avatar a little. 100k is a bit excessive...

(Aspect looks wrong too :))


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Just got back from USA, The pumps over there have little clips so that one you start the pump going by pressing the lever it will fill on its own and as i saw some locals doing , have a fag next to the car (whilst being filled) It then stops automativally when full.

I don't remember seeing that feature over here, but then again i don't remember looking either :suspect:

Most pumps have it, and on most pumps in the UK it seems to be disabled. There's a small "lever" at the back of the trigger which performs this task. On the (non public use) fuel tanks here at work, all the levers function as described, allowing you to fill up whilst emptying the ash trays... You may well find that the "fast fill" diesel pumps at service stations where the lorry's get their fuel also have the "auto fill" function working, although I do not reccommend pulling one out to find out...

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Just got back from USA, The pumps over there have little clips so that one you start the pump going by pressing the lever it will fill on its own and as i saw some locals doing , have a fag next to the car (whilst being filled) It then stops automativally when full.

I don't remember seeing that feature over here, but then again i don't remember looking either :suspect:

Most pumps have it, and on most pumps in the UK it seems to be disabled. There's a small "lever" at the back of the trigger which performs this task. On the (non public use) fuel tanks here at work, all the levers function as described, allowing you to fill up whilst emptying the ash trays... You may well find that the "fast fill" diesel pumps at service stations where the lorry's get their fuel also have the "auto fill" function working, although I do not reccommend pulling one out to find out...

They've got those lever click things on all pumps where I'm at here in Sweden.

Doesn't help though as it tends to "click off" every now and then, even when tank isn't full.

It's that special quirk that means you've got a very special car unlike everything else :D (as if we didn't know it already).

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