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Big Blue Fuse?


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As the title suggest I'm trying to route the engine loom before I put the engine in and I'm struggling. I have tried a search but can't find the answere.

Basically I have a big blue fuse connected to 2 heavy guage brown wires and it is in a mounting block with clips on it; where is the best place to route the starter/alternator wiring on a car with a hydraullic clutch and is there anyone near/in Cheshire that I can come and look at their 1800 build this weekend? (or come to Northwich and drink many brews!;)

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This is the 60amp fuse that goes to the starter?

I copied a factory car and mounted it on the diagonal brace that has the VIN number stamped on it. I also fixed the small earth connection that's close by on the loom to the underside of the same rail.


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Same here clipped mine to diag chassis brace where VIN number is stamped. I've just finished wiring my Zetec in and there are a few things that i've come across that may be of interest to you unfortunately i'm near Swindon so too far to travel give me a ring on 01793 731134 after 6pm Wed of Fri and we can chat.

Mike :p

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Hi Nikpro,

Now I'm worried, I don't remember the wire and fuse as you describe..

:0  :0

However I've just (with plenty of help) built a 1800 zetec madness kit. (standard ford injection) My SVA is on the 7th July, So I'll be working on it pretty much all weekend. Finshing off bits and pieces and doing the basic setup etc etc. I'm in Cheshire, Cheadle just off the M60. So you're more than welcome to come and have a look.

In fact bring your overalls !!  :D  :D


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Hi Matt,

From chatting to Gavin at the factory they've only switched over to the new style loom with the starter fuse & detachable front section in recent months. I've seen some current factory build cars without it & some with...



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where do they place the three/four connector blocks as I am struggle to get a neat installation?  Any pics you could email me?  Please!     

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Morning Nikpro,

Know what you mean about the connector blocks. Here's a picture of a factory built car:


The fuel pipes also snake through this area - it's probably the most untidy bit of the car  :(. Was hoping that the factory one would have a better layout, however, it seems they have the same problem of too much stuff in a small space.


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Thanks, Thats perfect; was just worried about all the connector blocks so close together and it looking a bit untidy!
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