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These stud/popper things..


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..ok so say i want to replace all the fittings on my boot toe-nail (tonneau) any idea on the pic below as to what i should order?

The ones i have are knocking on a bit and it's 50/50 as to whether they will break or not when you unclip them, so i want to start again.


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The boot tonneau uses 091.120 and 091.121 and are attached using 091.091 and as westyw says (nearly)  :D  091.123 for the tub


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Woolies also sell durable dot fasteners like these, along with the fitting punch and other things such as turnbuckle fasteners if you want those for fastening the front sides of the hood for extra wind protection.



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hey boomy

can you tell me which website this is please?  :t-up:

Need to do something similar



It was from here mate.


Just click on the e-catalogue tab, then select fittings.

They are all listed there, loads of different types with durable dot fasteners being the ones in my pic.

Thanks to everyone else for the advice :)

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