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Battery - basic questions/understanding.

Flat Eric

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Couple of questions about batteries

1) When power from battery needs to be disconnected.

Should you disconnect both terminals (positive + negative)


Is disconnecting just the positive terminal sufficient (which could be done via a battery cut out switch)

2) Charging the battery - using household charger 240v

Does this 'need' to be connected at the battery terminals


Can it be attached remotely - ie for positive on starter motor and for negative on earthing bolt on chassis

3) Consequences of using longer battery cables

Thinking about mounting battery (red top 25) on rear bulk head (between bulkhead and boot box - using the unused inertia seat belt bolts.

Any thoughts

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Wimbledon season... Just spotted your thread on same subject, and posted reply.


Move more weight to rear of car

Clear some space in engine bay (V8)

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1) When power from battery needs to be disconnected.

Should you disconnect both terminals (positive + negative)


Is disconnecting just the positive terminal sufficient (which could be done via a battery cut out switch)

Disconnecting positive alone is fine however if you intend the battery cut out switch to kill the engine if removed then you will need to purchase an FIA cut out switch with diode. arounf £20. As an ordinary battery cut out will not kill engine.

2) Charging the battery - using household charger 240v

Does this 'need' to be connected at the battery terminals


Can it be attached remotely - ie for positive on starter motor and for negative on earthing bolt on chassis

Not a problem

3) Consequences of using longer battery cables

Thinking about mounting battery (red top 25) on rear bulk head (between bulkhead and boot box - using the unused inertia seat belt bolts.

You may experience a small power drop over distance but not enough to worry about. have seen several westy's with the battery in the boot. Just use a good cable.

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1) If your going to disconect the battery, your better off removing the earth (-ve) terminal as that way if the positive side of the battery shorts to the chassis there is no return circuit for the current to flow, wereas if you disconnected the positive (+ve) terminal, it possible to short circiut the battery back to earth.

2) You can pick up on the positive side of the battery as long as you havn`t got any fuses or breakers in between where you connecting and the positive. Earth side should be ok whereever as long as its a good connection.

3)If your going to mount the battery a long way away (ie rear of the car) your going to have to use much thicker cable for BOTH the positive and the negative feeds. If you use standard thickness cable the resistance of the cable will cause a noticable voltage drop at the starter motor and you could experience starting problems and charging trouble. On a remote mounted barrery you have to use a dedicated earth cable back to the engine earth mounting, if you rely upon the chassis to act as the return you might again get problems with volage drop.

You will have to weigh up the benefits of moving the battery to the rear of the car against the weight gain of the much thicker battery cables (which can be considerable). I`ve done this on a few cars and have had some of the problems I mentioned before  doing it this way.


and stands by to be told just how wrong I am.

:)  :)  :)

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Had not really considered extra weight of thicker cable.

Another question - Mounting the battery - (if it does remain under bonnet).

Can battery be mounted near the coil or does there need to be a distance between the two. If so what it acceptable.

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Westfield mounted them at the rear, for a while, on the V8 at least. I didn't think they ran an earth to the back, just earthed to the chassis at the rear, could be wrong... They used a reasonably slender positive cable too, still heavy though due to the length.

I wouldn't do it, no problems starting but it was a PITA to get to!


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It appears as though the battery in my car has been planned to be mounted on the rear bulkhead behind seats and there is an earth cable attached to the chassis at the rear. The live cable going up to the engine bay is about 5/16" Dia. I think the bloke that started the car I have may have thought of mounting the electricaly operated extinguisher on the front bulkhead because the extinguisher bottle is quite short in length but a fair bit wider than a standard car extinguisher bottle.
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Can battery be mounted near the coil or does there need to be a distance between the two. If so what it acceptable.

Can`t think of a reason why you shouldn`t mount it near the coil, theres nothing coming off a coil that would interfere with the battery and vice versa.

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Thanks for your swift replies.

Gromit - Don't know why but thought I read somewhere that there should be a reasonable distance between coil and battery.

But, like yourself can not think of a good reason why.

Think the battery will remain where it is for the moment.

More than a little worried about using a small battery on my V8 (even if I know that Graham is not having problems with his). But I do not want to increase these fears with risk of  voltage drop due to long cables.

Also need to get car mobile again and up and running for trip to Nurburg.

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Its normal practice to disconnect the +ve feed only.

If you don’t attach directly to the battery, you won’t get the full charging current due to the voltage drop.  I'd recommend only attaching directly to the battery.

As per my earlier reply, you'll need heavier gauge cable if you're mounting the battery so far back.

Let us know how you get on.


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Battery mounted in rear.

On my new car the diff has cross bracings like on the new Sport2000s chassis which means the standard rear battery tray will not fit so westfield made me the seat belt cover in ally and we adapted a battery tray to it so the battery sits center instead of hanging off to one side which must be better.

The battery is earthed at the rear and then a nice thick cable runs to the starter motor.

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Looks like you will really be travelling light throught the states Barry. After all that lot is in the boot box area it will be more like a glove box :D
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Clean pair of shreedies and a credit card is all I will be carrying :p  :p
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