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SVA basics


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How do you get to the SVA test? I've heard of people driving their cars to the SVA, how can this be if the car isn't yet recognised as a vehicle let alone MOT'd or insured?

Where can I get information on SVA test?

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Yes you can drive to the sva but I didn't as I think its tempting fate for some teething problem to crop up on the way there. Also if you trailer the car there you can take loads of tools and bits of spares, tape, cable ties, rubber edge strip etc etc etc to put right any small fail items.

Info on sva at  http://www.vosa.gov.uk/

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On the other hand, driving there and back gives a chance to bed things in a little, acts as a bit of a shakedown and TBH after a years worth of building, was dammed good fun!

You can still get loads of tools, edging, cable ties etc. on board, IIRC I also carried water and spare fuel, (that I filled up with just before the test).

Also, keep in mind that the car will be driven about and run quite a bit during the test, so I'd rather have discovered any teething problem well before.

But that's where I guess the MOT bit comes in handy, it's another opportunity for a shake down run. Personally, I didn't bother with the MOT, but I did drive up to Plays Kool for a chassis set up and pre SVA "once over" from Paul. That 150 mile round trip plus the trip to Shrewsbury meant I'd got about 250 miles on the clock before the actual test!

The rules seem basically to be, that you may travel too and from the SVA test, and too and from a prebooked apointment "for work necessary to pass the test".

Footman James were perfectly happy to give me a cover note purely off the chassis number. I also checked with them that they were OK with visits for MOT, Chassis set up etc. and they said there was no problem as long as I was going to properly booked apointments and not just nipping to the pub/shops etc.

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My SVA invite stipulated that the car mustn't be driven, using some fine words like none of the wheels must be on the ground when it arrives.

Just arrange another MOT close to the SVA station and drive, that wa SVA is on the way there....if you saee what I mean. And its cheaper than fine or trailer.

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This is  what it says on my SVA appointment letter:

"Please remember that until the vehicle has been licensed and registered by the DVLA it must not be kept or used on public roads.The only exceptions are driving to or from the above test appointment or if the vehicle fails to or from  pre booked appointment to allow relevent work done on the car to allow it to pass the examination. You are responsible for ensuring that you have insurance cover and that the vehicle complies with the requirements of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations and Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations when driven to and from the test location. SVA 2 (March 2003)"

So you can drive it to the SVA and back provided it is insured. Not sure about driving to an MOT appointment before the SVA though. Is this classed as repairs to pass the test as the will be setting up headlight adjustment and checking the emissions?


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You can still get loads of tools, edging, cable ties etc. on board, IIRC I also carried water and spare fuel, (that I filled up with just before the test).

... and a boot full of tools will be quite an advantage when it's time for the brake balance measurement! - provided the tester doesn't notice and ask you to take them out.


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If your driving any more than a short distance take a brand new set of rear pads with you or else you may come unstuck with brake balance!!
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Trailored the car to its sva test just for ease and so I could carry tools.

Re The brakes this time the examiner asked me if it had a LSD?

As it has he said he would not test it on the rollers he just drove it round outside then watched as I drove past him at 20mph and slammed on the brakes  he wanted to see if the rears locked up before the front. Brake test compleated. Result

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