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Handbrake Cable


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Two questions:

My Sierra Haynes manual show a circlip securing the cable to the caliper carrier bracket, are these necessary as they have not been included within the kit ?

Second question, have adjusted the cable so that it is as slack as possible but still cannot manage to pull the locating eyes over the lugs on the calipers, is there a simple way of doing this or is it a case of brute force and ignorence ?

Appreciate your advice

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Brute force was the only way I could get mine connected; the first side wasn't too bad, 'cause the slack from the other side gave a bit more lee way. But the connecting up the last bit was a swine, snapped the jaws on a pair of pliers, saw stars, went a strange shade of purple, but eventually managed to lever it on. Not a job I ever want to do again  :D

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Just fitted mine although golf cable and calipers.

Easily the most fiddly part of the build so far. In order to connect both sides up I placed a G-Cramp on the first caliper in order to compress the lever, this freed up enough slack to get the other side on.

Still not entirely happy as in order to stop the handbrake gripping the discs I have to have the adjuster wound right in (so the rubber grommet is touching the folded over metal bracket). Even without the handbrake fitted though the rear pads are dragging on the discs. Not sure if this will go away when I have the hydraulics connected and can trigger the self adjustment somehow...


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3 hours latter and the cable is on !!!

Found simplest way was to remove the set screws holding the handbrake lever to the chassis so that the compensator bracket could move back about another inch, cable ends were then relatively simple to fit.

Lever was then refitted by using a screwdriver to align the front hole so that the rear screw could be inserted, then the front.

Not the most enjoyable evenings work !

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You've jogged my memory; if I can remember back that far, I think I tried the clamping method at one point, but couldn't get the clamp to stay in place. I've got a feeling Iended up taking the springs off the calipers and then refitting them once the cable was on.
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