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starter kits


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just started looking at westfields, still unsure if i should buy a build1 and play around with it 4 a while or try building 1 from scratch.

whats the difference between all the starter kits  and does the completion package fit all the starter kits?????

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Regarding first question. You won't save any money building one over buying nearly new; so buy unless you have a particular desire to build

The second question is a bit open ended to answer. Westfield themselves are probably the best people to talk to. Arranging a factory tour would be a good start.

Good luck whatever decision you make.

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I'd whole heartedly recommend building one; provided you're doing it because you want to build. It's enjoyable, you learn a lot, (well I did :) ), and you get to enjoy those milestone moments - first time on wheels, engine start, first drive, passing SVA etc.

But also, it can be downright hardwork, frustrating, take far longer than you thought, cost more than you thought and be a right pain at times. And that's if it goes straightforwardly! Let alone the final paperwork type hurdles.

I'd choose to build another in a flash; but if you want to save money, or are keen to get on the road, or just always fancied a Westfield, buy one ready built.

In fact, I'd be tempted to say, if your not sure whether to build or not, buy one ready built!

Second question is a bit open ended; but as predawson said, best way to answer it is a factory tour and a test drive or two.

In fact the drive may help with deciding to build or not. You'll know when you get back whether or not you just can't wait to get out driving one again!  :D

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