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A couple of questions from a new boy...

Martin Keene

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I'll be doing my first sprint at Curborough, and double checking all the regs tonight I'm sure I have all things covered. Execpt I have a couple of questions.

1) Race numbers. I'm assuming when I get the final details sent by the organisers for the meet, that this will tell me what the number is so I can get the correct numbers before hand?

2) Timing beam strut. Are these DIY only or does anywhere sell them or indeed does someone have a spare they will be willing to sell?

That's about it for know, but I'm sure there will be others as the next few weeks go by...


PS: How badly am I likely to lose completing in class e with just 135bhp xflow... :blush::D

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hi,your race number will be in the finals,usually received a week before the event.

the timing strut dimensions are in the `beginners guide to sprinting` on the main speed series pages from the main menu.

no idea how you will get on in class as there are so many variables :D  :D  :D

ps see you there and dont forget to enjoy yourself  :t-up:  :t-up:


beginners guide HERE

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1 - correct

2 - DIY - the right size bit of ali with a right angle bracket and 2 bolts through your rad grill to hold it on.  No point borrowing, as you will be needing it again and so might as well make one!

Winning/losing is irrelevant (ish) - just keep improving on your own time every time you go out.

Edit - Damn, beaten by Barney!

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Cheers Guys. Have to find some ally and matt black paint then...

PS: Anybody make a carbon one, I feel like being a tart!


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