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Westfield Body


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Went to collect the body for my Westfield on Saturday, wasn't the best experience.  The tub was chipped and on the bonnet there's a slight dip.

Should the bonnet be completely smooth apart from the vents at the top?  Mine hasn't got the vents but there's a slight dip around a foot from the front of the bonnet.  


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Sounds a bit odd to me but I would expect there to be the odd undulation due to the nature of grp.  Guess it depends how much of a dip 'slight' is.


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The dip is around 1-2mm.  I've been to Westfield and the bonnets I looked at were smooth and didn't have a dip in them.  It seems like a layer of fibre glass has been placed on one end but not on the other.
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The dip is about 1-2 mm.  Been to Westfield and all of their bonnets are smooth.  It feels like more sheets of fibre glass have been added on one end and less on the other.
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Cheers.  Just putting together a letter because I've only picked up the front and rear wings, scuttle, nose cone and bonnet.  The main section is being repaired because someone has put a gouge in the passenger side before I went to collect it.
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Hi Tucka.

I have allways found the factory very very good at sorting out issues.

Their reputation is very important to them and I'm sure the issues you have will be sorted.

Some colours are better than others for showing up imperfections, are you comparing like for like (colour wise) from what you have to what you have seen at the factory?


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I compared the bonnets like for like.  The colour I have chosen is chrome yellow.  I've taken some photos of the damage and I'll pop them in tomorrow.  Some of the imperfections aren't that bad, I think its just because of the money I've paid.  I'm not too bothered about the nose cone because I'm sure its going to end up a lot worse after a few months on the road.  The staff in parts were good though, they tried to help as much as they could.
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Tucka.. i had 3 sets of body work from westfield before i was happy!

they were very good about the problems I was having too.

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Got the main body section back today.  Am really happy with the work done.  I emailed Richard Smith last night and by dinner time he had got back to me and the problem is almost sorted.  There are still a few imperfections on the wings, nose cone and scuttle but they're either out of sight or going to get worse once on the car anyway.  

I've been told that the ridge in the bonnet will be ok once its on the car so I guess I've just got to put it on and find out.

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They are pretty flexible.   I put a metal strip across the back edge of mine to deal with a slight bowing.   A little re-inforcement might just be what's needed.
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