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rear diff


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im am at present building a svd kit.  I attached the propshaft 2day and am worried that the diff is no gud!  If I turn the left drive shaft the right one turns in the opposite direction like it shud but the propshaft doesent turn with the driveshafts even wen the engine is in gear?  surley when the car is in gear the system shud be locked? or at least the whole system shoud turn together or wont it work untill I have the cam belt back on?



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With an open diff I don't think the prop shaft will turn when you turn the rear wheels.

Obviously if you turn the prop shaft, then the two rear wheels will (may) turn.

If I'm wrong, someone will be right along to correct me I'm sure :)


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get someone to help you turn both wheels at the same time in the same direction (ie forwards) and the prop should turn.  With no wheels attached to the road the resistance of the gearbox will overcome the diff motion and you'll get the wheels turning in oposite directions.  As Ad H says turn the prop with the Gbox in neutral, should have both driveshafts turning, although there may not be enough resistance. Something would have to be very broke for the prop not to be turning the wheels once its on the ground.  Don;t turn the engine over with no cambelt on it, just in case you lunch a valve or 2.
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Yep, you'd need to stop one wheel from moving if you wante the prop to turn.

Mind you, I presume you have got the car in neutral haven't you? I wouldn't be trying to turn the engine over without the cam belt on.

damn, must type faster, Scruffy beat me to it  :D

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I don't know, I even "did a search" for someone earliar.  :D

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Where's blatman tonight then :p

Just finished in the garage. Long story...

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Not now. Going to bed. Got an early start tomorow. My garage landlord has finally capitulated and is going to put a new roof on. Trouble is, I can't leave all my gear in there while "his bloke" is working. So I lose another day of race car prep whilst my workshop moves house, and I can't get back in there for a month which means much b*******ing around... :bangshead:
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