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Phil W

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Noticed in one of the tele mags this morning that the couple who were convicted of cheating in "Who wants to be a millionaire" are starring in some celebrity husband swop crap next week. Am I the only one who thinks that there is a major morallity problem here ?????

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I agree........shouldn't they be doing a spot of porridge :devil:  :devil:

Mind you having to spend 2 weeks with Jade from Big Brother is pretty harsh.  :D  :D


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so if it's about celeb's what are that pair doing on it...

ones a fat common slapper with nothing better to do with her life than spend x weeks on a cr@p telly program and the other should be a millionaire for scamming itv, lets face they can afford it...  :0

err, sorry rant over  :blush:

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I did read that Jade (aka Miss Piggy) was up the duff. Difficult to believe... surely nobody is that brave to... errr ummm you know...

It doesn't bear thinking about.


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And I had only just finished eating when I read that. :(

Better of in the garage working on the car or down the Pub than watching that rubbish :t-up:

Time to go for a blat in the sunshine :p

before I start taking the Westy to pieces tomorrow.

Felters, impressed with your early posting this morning.

Must be the kids !  

J D :cool:

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Am I the only one who thinks that there is a major morallity problem here

You know where the "off" button is don't ya  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  :D  tis easily pressed  :D  :D

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I did read that Jade (aka Miss Piggy)

:D  :D  :D

Difficult to believe... surely nobody is that brave to... errr ummm you know...

It doesn't bear thinking about.


no it doesn't bear thinking about...  :0

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Have you seen here boyfriend?

Now, what's the word I'm looking for ...........................Ah yes..........GORMLESS :durr:  :durr:  :durr:


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Am I the only one who thinks that there is a major morallity problem here

You know where the "off" button is don't ya  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  :D  tis easily pressed  :D  :D

If every-one with morals hit the off button without voicing their displeasure then that would only leave the people with no morals watching who would assume things like this are ok

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Yes there is a moral problem with many things and it is not just these two. We are supposed to applaude stars who shove huge amounts of cocanie up their nose, drink till they are stupid but then because they can afford help get clean. We have the BBC paying for people like Niel Hamilton, who was found guilty of taking cash for questions, to become celebrities, a jailed criminal who is still a lord, it is never ending. The only hope is these people will be caught speeding then the law will really throw the book at them.

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We are supposed to applaude stars who shove huge amounts of cocanie up their nose, drink till they are stupid but then because they can afford help get clean.

Er, no you're not. The information is trotted out by the media. How you react is up to you. No-one is telling you that you are supposed to applaud, or anything else....... ???

We have the BBC paying for people like Niel Hamilton, who was found guilty of taking cash for questions, to become celebrities....

The BBC is a commercial organisation, so ignore the licence fee/public broadcaster nonsense. If it's paying fees to Hamilton (or anyone else) it's because they know they can sell whatever programme they're in to make money. TV companies/production companies are the same the world over. It's just business. You wouldn't know what Hamilton was like if it wasn't for some of these companies giving them airtime so that we can all see what he (or anybody else) is like. Applaud them if you want, but that's not normally my reaction. Besides, you should meet him in real life......

......a jailed criminal who is still a lord, it is never ending.

Only 1? I think you'll find that over time, plenty of our lordships have done porridge. At least the media let us know who they are so that we can make our own minds up as to how to regard them.....

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Hmmm... it would be interesting to compare the ratio of those who have broken the law to those who haven't...


'Members of the House of Lords' to 'Police Officers'


'Tabloid Journalists' to 'Tabloid Readers'

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