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Pics of first outing


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Cheers Dave,

Will try MK. Just want a no hassle, cost effective solution.........

Was going to do the 750 test day at Mallory until I heard about a trackday at Oulton - 26th Feb, full circuit, open pitlane - and only £129 for the full day.........cheaper, easier and nearer!!!

Got in touch with a Scrutineer who's fairly local - he's going to check things over for me. Have a look in the Blue Book - they're listed in there..........

Cheers for the advice.

Presume you're out in the Kit Car Championship? What car/class?

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Not sure to be honest Scott, i thought i was 'sorting' a difference of opinion between them and one of my mates.

Down with the Kev's.

"Sorting" is always best done with "Paralysis Inducing Agents " we find :D

Magic Milk...You gotta love it :devil:

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or crash :0My Webpage

I love this vid so thought it needed another airing :D

Holy S***!! Some dubious driving standards there.........

I was expecting some gentlemanly Sunday afternoon runs out, with the odd "after you Claude" thrown in..........

Looks like I'll get eaten alive...........

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or crash :0My Webpage

I love this vid so thought it needed another airing :D

Holy S***!! Some dubious driving standards there.........

I was expecting some gentlemanly Sunday afternoon runs out, with the odd "after you Claude" thrown in..........

Looks like I'll get eaten alive...........

You gotta realise this is a culmination of a lot of races and there's bound to be a couple of incidents when the field is this close/competetive. Other than that you gotta admit it's good entertainment value to watch :D

Be Brave....and Enjoy  :D

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Was going to do the 750 test day at Mallory until I heard about a trackday at Oulton - 26th Feb, full circuit, open pitlane - and only £129 for the full day.........cheaper, easier and nearer!!!

Presume you're out in the Kit Car Championship? What car/class?

Car 31, Kits class B.

Slight change to car from movie clips..............

More aero required..........

keep an eye out...... !

While on the subject of driving standards...........Dont get me started again :bangshead:

Only joking.

If your in the area some time call in @ plays-kool w/shop and have a chat, there may be a spare season 1 or 2 DVD kicking about for you to view @ your leasure. that will give you a more rounded view of the procedings @ 750 events.

Lots of fun chatting to marshals, "grassy moments" and other frivolities!!!!

One last thing Bob, there may be issues regarding eligibility of car to current 750 regs that the scrute will not be aware of, so a trip to mallory could be worth the while if only to run it by the elegibility scrute......if you can find one thats able/brave/competant enough to do it ! :devil:  :devil:  


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Cheers Dave,

Is that you in the "Gulf" styleee Striker?

I'm going to take the regs with me when I see my scrutineer.......

Watching those videos has really got me started. I wish the first race was today!!!!

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Keeping a low profile on this one! :D

sorry to hear about the nose tho, if you're looking for retribution I have a rusty pair of pliers you could borrow!!!  :oops:

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