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Shallow sump


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Following a hull breach I fitted an alloy shallow sump. Before torqueing up the bolts I thought I'd check the starter motor would still fit which it wouldn't aaarghhh. Ok, took it off again and filed off some ally to allow room for the starter and re-fitted the sump. Everything seems fine accept the hole the clutch cable used to pass through is covered by the new sump but there is a hole adjacent that I can use. I can't drill a hole in the sump in the old position because it would go through the oil catchment area. As such the cluth cable has to turn a small corner to interface with the release plate. Is this going to be a problem? Has anybody else encountered this problem. It's a pinto engine BTW.


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i've put an rs ali sump on my pinto.

there should already be a hole in the back plate of the sump to locate the cluch cable ?

its slightly out of line if your useing a type 9 as the bearing leaver is slightly longer than the old rs 4 speed one. :)

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Yarm mines an RS sump too. Only buys me about an inch and a bit though over standard sump. There is a hole I'm using that is offset slightly, sounds like you have the same setup
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