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Fitting Cycle Wings


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I have recently purchased a 1990 Westfield SE and would like to swap the swept wings for cycle wings.

After taking a brief look at the mounting bracket for the swept wings it looks too high up for the nice close fitting cycle ones. Can anyone advise me to whether I have to purchase a new bracket or the current one will suffice or even if the Westfield cycle wings come with a new bracket?



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New brackets required and they are available from Westfield
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Great - my chance to get it in before Blatters :D:p;)  - it's been covered before - and can be found using the search function :)

Did the job a couple of years ago myself - the things worth looking at are

1) whether to use westfield cycle wing brackets or not - as you will need to modify the uprights - as they use the top ball joint bolt as a mount - and with the normal thickness nut - there's insufficient thread through the nut. Some people go for the Tiger brackets instead - as these fit to the 'dust cap' covers on the upright - which are nornmally unused - and don't interfere with the ball joint

2) the lamp bracket / clamshell mount - this can be cut off just after the lamp bracket (I put a bolt in the end of the tube to finish it off) - so you don't need to buy new lamp brackets.

3) filling / covering all the holes left by the clamshell mounts - I wrote a note on filling the holes here which has some contact details for suppliers. Alternately - get yourself some sponsors - and use their stickers to cover the holes

4) You'll almost certainly need to put lockstops on the ends of the steering rack - as the cycle wings will touch the bodywork on full lock - these are available from places like Cat Motorsport for about a tenner

5) Choosing the cyclewings - there are loads out there - from Westfields own, through locost suppliers, to carbon lookalike and real ( :cool: ) carbon from people like Fluke

Hope this helps a bit


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As Steve says you will need the swept brackets for the headlamp, but modified, although I think WF do a specific part for when cycle wings are used.

The bracket for the cycle wing needs to move with the wheel (left and right, not round and round :p  ) hence the need for different brackets.




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Yep - I bought the new lamp brackets from Westfield originally - but they were only available in black from memory (originals were chromed) - and when I got them I realised that they were identical to the clamshell ones - but with the ends cut off as described - so I just cut them to suit - and kept the chromed look :D
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Whatever, DO NOT GET the crap Carbon Look wings, they're flimsy and will crack.  :angry::angry:

My second set have both now cracked on the front leading edge.


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Dunno what you lot are doing with the carbon look wings. Had mine on a full season and still in 1 piece. They've seen road use; 118mph+ track work and a collision with the cones at Loton (wing BENT then recoiled to shape).

The only time I've had 'em let go is both at same time crossing the line on the limiter in 4th at aintree (was my fault for not bolting them on :bangshead: ) they both left the car and disintegrated after hitting me; the rear arch and then scooting a long way back towards Bechers Brook :0

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Whatever, DO NOT GET the crap Carbon Look wings, they're flimsy and will crack.  :angry::angry:

My second set have both now cracked on the front leading edge.


Where did you get them? WF?

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......yep both times, first set replaced on warrenty.  The second set are more flimsy than the first, ie they flex much easier on the front edges than the first set did.

Leon also had the same problem and eventually replaced with GRP.

Its well covered on this site actually if you search.

I always feel it incumbant on me to pass on my own experiences on this matter. If I sound bitter its because I am :angry::angry:

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....any recomendations for manufacturer/supplier??

Based on I have 185/60 x13's.

The going rate seems to be about £70+/pair, any better advances for the budget buyer?

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Lowest prices I've found are £35 per pair from Lolocost - but they add P&P and need painting :t-up:

Edited to add that - if you go to any of the kit car shows there's usually a Locost parts van there who has some pretty well dicounted self-coloured wings

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  • 3 weeks later...
After an extensive search, I am looking at replacing the swept wings on my SEiW with cycle wings and brackets from Tiger.  The car has cortina front uprights.  Tiger, however, seem to make countless different models of car and a similar number of bracket types.  Can anyone tell me what model of Tiger the correct brackets come from?
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