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Thames Valley Xmas Dinner


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Just wanted to thank Neil for organising a great meal for the Thames Valley Area.

Excellent food and company (oops nearly forgot to mention the drink) and a very unique cake to top it off.

Well done Neil   :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

P.S. hope all the brave ones amongst you have thawed out OK

???  ???  ???

David & Jane

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Good to catch up with everyone.

Well worth the trip down from Northants  :D  :D

A big hand to Neil for organising a great afternoon.

Excellent food and company...

and drink - :sheep:

Andrea allowed me a couple of pints and then drove the hairdressers car home for me.  :D  :D  :D

Apologies for having to get away quickly afterwards.  Had to get home to feed the animals. :devil:  :sheep:

Will try to make the January meet  :xmas:  :xmas:

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Yes,thankyou Neil( you know I've mailed you already)Eat faaar tooo much. Karen and I did thaw out in the end.The heater doesn't make an effort at 95mph on the M4.Strange how I got hot air up one trouser leg!!The glances from other motorists are pictures in their own right as we shot past them. Must remember to shorten the seatbelts before the next blat.
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Hi all.

Sorry, been a bit slow in checking the boardroom today due to rushing out to start and finish (in one day) my Xmas pressie shopping - only just visited!

You're all welcome regarding the Xmas meal. I'm glad it went so well. And yes, the company and food was pretty damn good :-)

Well done to those brave (or foolish?) enough to turn up in their Westies, they all deserve special mention in the next area report; especially Justin who had to slacken off his 4-point harness considerably for the homeward journey ;-)

I have the jpeg image that Asda sprayed onto the cake if anyone wants a copy? The icing image on the actual cake was devoured pretty quickly ;-)

Thinking of organising a pub\buffet\skittles evening for sometime in the New Year at the pub just along the way from The Bird (Seven Sisters). Would be a good idea to maybe enter into a skittles challenge with\and invite the Northants guys? Hopefully the event will again prove popular with the other halves and be ideal given the weather and time of year.

Cheers for now,


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