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whistlin westfield


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Have you tried the tension of any belts?

Probably a bit obvious - but a slightly loose belt can slip when it's cold and squeal. When it warms up it's OK.


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So it only does it for the first 5 mins from cold? Like the same amount of time it takes to fully open a thermostat? So try replacing that?


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So it only does it for the first 5 mins from cold? Like the same amount of time it takes to fully open a thermostat? So try replacing that?


yep try that first, or is it air in the pluming??????????????

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IS it the supercharger ?

That's the trouble Ash, Richard hasn't tightened the Supercharger belt enough.

I used to get this on my'n till I tightened it really tight  :D  :D  :D

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Well if its not the supercharger then try the diaphram in the fuel regulator.  Mine did it!  Sometimes it will go after a few miles. Have a word with FSE (assuming it originally came from SBD) on 01784 493555.  They repaired mine.


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