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seat belts


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I`m thinking of fitting a 4 point harness to my westy.

1) will these pass the sva?

2) i have seen the westfield type with the eyebolt fittings and the type from cbs with a bolt type fitting. would the difference in height affect the sva?

hope thats clear. :bangshead:

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would the difference in height affect the sva?


They need the spacers to pass SVA; something about the height of the mount points - I don't know the exact reg's but I was nearly caught out at my SVA (Sept 02).. I've got some pics & write up on my SVA mods on my web site.

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Centre of the top mount to be no less than 450mm from the seat base using a 54mm block (x130mm long from memory) as a 'reference device'.
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Make sure that the lap strap bolts go at least to the ends of the mounting threads.  If they stop before the end then they fail SVA (Personal experience :bangshead: ).

I had to get some longer bolts local to the SVA centre.

If you get the Westfield harnesses then using the standard mounting holes on the rear cockpit member for the shoulder straps and making sure the eyebolts point fore-aft (i.e. holes line up across the width of the car) then they'll be OK.  If the eyebolts don't point fore-aft, then a washer under the spacer should limit the amount they do up so they sit correctly (or conversely filing the spacer should work).

I'm sure there is a more technical answer, but the above worked for me.


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