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Tacho and speedo


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Coming to the end of my transplant project and need a new speedo and tacho (old tacho knacked and was using cheap push bike speedo originally).

I've seen tacho's at prices from £70ish up to £ridicolous and am feeling a bit lost amongst all the hype and specs ofd different makes so which is the one (if any) that you guys would recommend in the 80-100mm size (needs to be able to operate from my ECU).

I was using a pushbike speedo before but found it to slow to update (I would be stopped at a junction yet the speedo would be showing 30mph!;), I quite like the look of the SPA digital speedo but not the price, is there anything out there that is similar but cheaper or a "large" pushbike speedo that updates at more than 1-2 second intervals (and with a max speed capability over 60mph).

Thanks in anticipation

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Er, do you want cheap, or good. The two don't go well togther....

If it were my money, and I wanted the fast refresh rate and quality parts, it'd be a Stack tacho (just the chepest one they do with no bells or whistles) and the SPA speedo.

Funnily enough, that's precisely what my green car has...

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