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Never mind Steps  life is only just beginning

Luckily, my physical age and mental age are very different so I have no problems there!

Strangely, though Steppenwolfess is very supportive of my Westfield life, I can hardly ever get her to drive it even though she has been insured from day one! She has actually driven and enjoyed it but like the rest of my crew can't bear the thought of damaging it ( I MUST be an ogre ) in any way so that seems to put her off which is a great shame 'cos I get a real buzz out of seeing her at the wheel of it with a silly grin on her face! I don't think the 'his and hers' ploy would work for me ....

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I cant get my missus to drive mine either  :D

the only time she got behind the wheel was to

drive it for 25 yards while i took my Avatar photo

she was absolutely terrified,

even though she's been driving for 28 years

she wanted to take the photo

but I didnt trust her to get the frame right  :0

I only have on regret with being older,

my physical age does'nt match my mental age  :angry:

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I'm 24, me and live in Haverhill, Suffolk because it's the only place vaguely close to civilisation that I can afford a house with a double garage.

Had the westfield two years now.

And luck doesn't come into it, all you old codgers - it's about hard work and priorities.

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I cant get my missus to drive mine either  :D

The Welsh Wizard is the same.

First time I managed to get her to drive it (a few weeks after we got the car) was the time we discovered that the fuel gauge never goes below a quarter full (so it ran out of fuel a couple of hundred yards from the house).

Since then she has driven it once for 10-15 miles, but doesn't seem overly keen to do so again...

Ah well, more for me I guess :D


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And luck doesn't come into it, all you old codgers - it's about hard work and priorities.

Tee hee ......... priorities ........ one day my lad  :D

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Never mind driving it.........my wife hasn't even sat in (not on.....) mine :0  :D  :D

Never seems to be a good opportunity.... ;)  ;)

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My other half is only a passenger.....

(she is not on the insurance)

:D  :D

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38 years old (ignore the grey hair)

Live in Hazlemere Bucks

Owned the car for 2 years :D  :D  :D

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Portsmouth, Born and bred, still nearby.  1951 vintage.

Owned my Westie for nearly 2 years.

Decided that after 20 years of promising to get my first kit car rebuilt I needed something interesting to drive while I got round to it, hence the westie.

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Since 1991, Same car. (well chassis anyway)

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Well someone had to live in Peterborough - originally Nottingham

First Westfield built last year - registered Xmas eve so I could go out with all the kids with their new bikes on Xmas morning.

Born 1947 - wife waiting for me to grow up :D

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40  :0

Had my Xflow for 2 years - strangely enough only a month less than I've had a house with a garage  :t-up:  - how many other people had to take out a mortgage to get a Westie  :blush:


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