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A470 Drive

Mat Jackson

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Had a drive in the tintop this weekend to a wedding in north wales and discovered how fantastic the A470 was on a glorious day and it got me thinking........

Would people be interested in an organised drive the length of the A470 followed by beer, BBQ and a night in a country hotel somewhere before heading back?

For those who don`t know the A470 it is a road which runs about 200 miles from Cardiff to Llandudno, and is 90% single track good quality main road with excellant surface.  It has long straight sections, plenty of sweeping bends and plenty of tight bits, plus some awesome scenery (the scenery covers the full 100%)!!!

I just want to gauge peoples opinions, but if an event was organised would people fancy it, assuming it didn`t clash with oter stuff going on.

Probably wouldn`t happen until next year (need to get the car finished first!!;), but feedback, and suggestions of what to include and consider would be very much appreciated.

Studbuckle, expect some PM in the near future  to pick you r brains on such events.  By all accounts your coast to coast is a superb event so I am willing to learn from the expert.

I am a bit new to the club (membership form only just sent) but want to get stuck in and more than willing to organise such an event.

Anyway, waiting to here!!!!!


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Hi Mat,

I agree 470 is good although doesent have the same "Ring" as Route 66 :D   :D  :D

If I go to Wales I use the section from Brecon to Merthyr and its bl**dy great.

Keep us posted.


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I'm and expert? Cool :blues:

I thought Wales was full of car hating police that jump out of hedges at anything faster than a milk cart?

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Why not do it as an area activity, and enlist the help of your AO.  

Grab a copy of Si's route book too, that was an excellent guide, and definitely something to emulate.

It's a good idea to let the local constabulary know what you intend to do if there are likely to be more than 15 cars involved.

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I thought Wales was full of car hating police that jump out of hedges at anything faster than a milk cart?

So why didn't they stop Andy when he was up there last summer?

Oh I've worked it out now!



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*cough* Kangeroo petrol *cough*



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Why not do it as an area activity, and enlist the help of your AO.  

:(  :(  :(  :(

Only one problem there, Neil.......there is no "Area".......yet......

Mat - I love the road too! Did it last year in the tin top and it was great! Also highly recommend the A40 from Brecon to Neath.

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Might be worth considering if our summer 'tour' ever gets off the ground...

Mrs. H?


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If you are going to do this make sure you all have full size number plates after Howard's experience last week.

Local Plod will think all their dreams have come true, loads of Westy's to pull and book for some reason or other and loads of funds for their Friday night beer fund.

:D  :p  :D  :p  :D  :p

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Might be worth considering if our summer 'tour' ever gets off the ground...

Mrs. H?


Yes Mr H...might be worth considering.


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We'll talk about it tonight. Again. Won't we dear?



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Mr and Mrs H,

If you ever get as far south as Cardiff on the tour and need an overnight stop drop me a line!!!!!

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and have you decided WHEN this summer tour is going to be yet?

Or even, clock or anti-clock? ???

I've told him when's good for me, but he has to contact all the "hotels" to find out their availability ;)


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We're in Swindon, so the tour is currently planned to be Essex, Nottingham, Leeds (ish), Liverpool, Anglesey, then perhaps Cardiff.

We're not sure whether we're going clockwise or anti-clockwise as of yet (or indeed, going at all ;))


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