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help need to get car out of garage


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Hiya all,

Need help getting an excuse to get my seight out of the garage, as i'm sick of just going around the block....lol

Does anybody meet in cleveland.....stockton, darlo, middlesbrough way......

As otherwise i might have to give it up altogether...as only did 300miles last year...and its getting to be a waste.


Scott Richmond

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Not sure whether the 'North East' area is near to you...send Nick Algar a PM (he's the NE area organiser).



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Hi Scott,

I have got your name on my membership list, but don't have an e-mail for you. I have been sending you postal info approx every 3 months. If you haven't received these, then I must have the wrong address for you. Also have you missed the posts I put on here for the NE meetings ?

If you could PM or e-mail or phone me I can let you know the next meeting so you can get that V8 out again. It's either Tues 13 or Wed 14th July, waiting for venue to confirm back to us, but is only 30mins from you.

Look forward to hearing from you, we have had some great meetings mostly with over 20 people coming along.


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Speak of the devil... :)

Get that car out and give it an airing ;)


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You fed up with that funny ball game as well, Andy

Although must admit to cheering when the got the 2nd one :D:D

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It's half time, and I'm sat watching it with a laptop on my errr....lap (and a beer in my hand of course ;))



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I like your style Andy LOL :D  :D I was in the pub at this time which was very quiet I should have stopped at home and watched it there

Buzz ;)

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You sad people watching the football. I was editing a wedding video (where's the square eyes emoticon?) all last night.

As for the NE, make sure you get along to the wscc meets and if you want to get out twice a month then there is also the ne7ers who meet at the Snowy Owl in Cramlington on the 2nd Thursday of each month, or the Church Mouse at Chester Moor, Chester-le-Street on the last Wednesday of the month, both at about 8pm

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I like your style Andy


Big question now is, go to area meet on Thursday, or stay in to watch the football?



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hi groucher.  as si says your welcome along to any of the ne7ers stuff.  we are going on a short run out on wednesday night.  we are meeting at stanhope at 6:30, then over to melmerby for some pub grub and back again.  there will only be  a few cars, and pace will be *ahem* quick, unless the ex g/f in her cateringvan comes along, at which point it will be snooze tastic  :devil:

btw to anybody else in the NE this is an open invite


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unless the ex g/f in her cateringvan comes along, at which point it will be snooze tastic  

CTRL C, CTRL V, Send.... ?


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no, still p1ssed of and down in the dumps :(

but hopefully a blat tonight along some of the tour roads will cheer me up :)

even if it is raining ...

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