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I dont mean to be political


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If you agree with paying 25% more in taxation than the rest of Europe; handing all of your earnings for Mondays, Tuesdays and part of Wednesdays to the Taxman then please ignore this email.

If not then I came across this website and found it to be very interesting; it gives us a constructive way of lodging a protest vote against the crippling taxation policy of the UK Government;  I also found the "News" items a real eye-opener.  

The website is run by high powered volunteers and is non-profit making; the links are impressive and you can vote for free.  

When you read some of the stuff its scandalous...... :down:  :down:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :angry:  :angry:

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Interesting. Hilux, where does your 25% figure come from?

I remember seeing a documentary on the tax system a year or so ago. It said that 40% of UK GDP went on taxes compared with 50% in France and 30% in the US. Which I suppose explains the state of their public transport, healthcare etc.

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Seeing as this is the area I work in....

I find some of the claims and "facts" to be a little, OK a lot, exaggerated...

The UK actually has one of the lower tax burdens in Europe once you factor in the likes of social security as well.  Similarly all the other countries in Europe have their own little "stealth taxe".

So, basically, don't believe everything you read....

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I *DO*, however, have a big problem with government waste, i.e. throwing good money after bad.

If our money was spent properly it would be "worth" a lot more than it is now.  Companies have to cut costs to be competitive and, I believe, so should government.  Throwing money at problems is rarely, if ever, the solution....

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If you'd like some facts about how much the government collects and how it spends it then have a look here. Some of the reports are long, 30-60 pages, but scan through until you find the graphs and tables for some interesting info, such as:

Just under 50% of all social security spending goes to eldelry people. The number of people in this group is growing while the contributers are reducing. Either the elderly get less or the young pay more!

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